This program works with operators to ensure food safety within fixed food establishments.  These establishments undergo routine inspection to ensure they meet safety standards and employ staff that are properly trained and credentialed.  Types of fixed food establishments include: restaurants, warehouses, convenience stores, food manufacturers, and food wholesalers.


  • Plan Review (PDF, 337 KB): This physical plan review is required for all new food establishment construction and remodels to ensure the facility is compliant with state/local health & safety codes. 
  • Pre-Opening Inspection: This inspection is required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy after a new or remodeled construction to ensure the approved plans were followed, or before the ownership of an establishment is transferred to another entity or individual.  The facility must pass this inspection before a permit can be issued.
  • Permit to Operate (PDF, 568 KB): This approval is required to complete the permitting process. Once approved, the owner will receive a physical permit and permission to operate a Food Enterprise. Find information on Fee Waivers for High-Quality Child Care Providers in Austin here (Word document, 70 KB).
  • HACCP/Variance (PDF, 195 KB): Use this application to request a variance, allowing your establishment to deviate from the approved standards, and/or submit a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan showing how you will mitigate risks to food safety.
  • Central Preparation Facility Registration:  Use this form to register a permitted establishment as a Central Preparation Facility (CPF). This registration is only necessary if the establishment provides kitchen space for Mobile Food Vendors.

Permit Fee Schedule

View the fee schedule for Austin and Travis County effective May 8, 2024, for all permits and services.



Frequently Asked Questions 



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To address a concern or request a second opinion regarding an inspection result or complaint, contact us at 512-978-0300 from 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Monday - Friday.