About claims

Here you will find information about collection services for City departments for money due to the City for damages to property, returned checks and other delinquent accounts. You can also find information about how to make a payment, dispute a billings claim you received from the City, and how to file a claim against the City for damage to your property or person.

How to make a payment

You can make a payment in person or by mail.  Office hours are Monday - Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Address mailed payments to City of Austin-Claims Division, P.O. Box 96, Austin, TX 78767.

Payment methods

Forms of payment accepted include check, cashier’s check, money order and cash.  Credit card payments are not accepted.  For payment of returned checks, we are not able to accept payment by check.  

Contact us 

You can contact us by email or phone. To better assist customers with payments, account information and associated paperwork, please email us with your contact information, questions and preferred method of contact (return phone call or email) at claims.cao@austintexas.gov or call us at 512-974-2910.


Dispute a claims billing from the City

If you believe that you were billed in error or that you are not liable for the damages presented in our claim against you, please put your concerns in writing and submit to the Claims division within 30 days from the date of the letter/invoice. 

Please include: 

  • Claim file number
  • Address where damage occurred
  • Date damage occurred
  • Description of the loss and how it occurred
  • Your reason(s) for why you are disputing the billing
  • Any photos, invoices, or reports that support your rationale


File a claim against the City

If you feel the City has caused damage to your property or person, you can file a claim by sending a letter within 45 days from the date of the incident.  Mail your claim to City of Austin Law Department Attn: Claims P.O. Box 1546 Austin, TX 78767-1546 or Fax 512-974-6490.

In your claim, include: 

  • Date, time, and location of the incident
  • Description of what occurred
  • Type of damage(s) or nature of injury
  • Copies of invoices, receipts, and/or estimates, any additional documents supporting your claim (i.e., photos, diagrams, statements, police reports, etc.)
  • Full mailing address and daytime telephone number


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