Nature in the City - Austin

Written by Edgar; November 2020


Midterms are one of the most stressful times as a college student. During stressful times, going to the park and listening to the wind blow through trees is therapeutic for me.  Losing myself in peaceful thoughts can help clear my mind, so that I can go back to daily life feeling more positive.

Can you guess the tree which these leaves belong to? Here is my guess.


Written by Evelyn; October 9, 2020


Ever since I was little, I’ve had a love for learning. Cousins and friends would question me as I learned the multiplication tables on weekends and had extra books for fun. Although it may look different today, my love for learning is still relevant. In my current writing seminar, I have been learning about disability studies. It’s really interesting to delve deep into a topic I had no experience in and learn how my ide…


Banner: Stories Through Nature - a project of the 2020 Youth Forest Council

Written by Evelyn; August 13, 2020


Photo: Tall tree with red leaves at the University of Pennsylvania campus.





2019 had been my year. A year full of traveling, fun, and friends. But it was also a year full of work, effort, and grit. As I was…


A banner that says "Stories Through Nature: A Project of the 2020 Youth Forest Council"


Hey fellow tree enthusiasts! 

Welcome to our Community Action Project (CAP). We are three interns working with the City of Austin’s Development Services Department. Through our one-year journey, we have expanded our knowledge of the urban forest, helped on projects benefiting the community, and come to appreciate the nature around us even more. 


What is an urban forest? …


Written by Antonia; August 16, 2020

Jerusalem Thorn

(Parkinsonia aculeata)


This tree was on a trail I sometimes walked back in high school during my weekly Austin Youth River Watch meetings. We didn’t walk down this path very often, but the few times that we did, it was always a beautiful sight and I have pleasant memories of exploring the area with my friends. Had it been a normal year, I probably would have come out here with those friends to…


Banner: Stories Through Nature - a project of the 2020 Youth Forest Council

Written by Evelyn; October 23, 2020


Hello you. I heard you are interested in Leaf and Tree Identification! You are in the right place. ?

First, I want to share the resources I have used to identify my collection of leaves so you can later identify yours!  


Banner: Stories Through Nature - a project of the 2020 Youth Forest Council

Written by Evelyn; September 28, 2020


By now, I would have been in Philly — meeting other freshman, adjusting to a new city, new weather. Unfortunately, 2020 had different plans in mind. My college campus decided to close for the fall semester one week before I was meant to fly out. I was so looking forward to living with my best friend and starting a new chapter of my life. After missin…


Written by Edgar; September 2020


The beginning of my college days began in a new city during a pandemic. Everyone wore masks and followed COVID regulations. It felt welcoming and fresh. Trees align the streets of Boston University allowing me to appreciate all sorts of colors during fall. 2020 has been a rough year, however these colorful trees have given me energy to keep going through this weird year.


Project Name

Bryker Woods Elementary Tree Planting




3309 Kerbey Lane, Austin, Texas 78703


Tree Planting, Education


$3, 785

Project Lead

Bryker W…



Austin's Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is dispersed throughout the city.

Attracting wildlife to residential backyards can be a rewarding experience. Since the City of Austin is a Certified Wildlife Habitat with the National Wildlife Federation, Austinines are passionate about creating habitat in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). As Austin grows, crea…