Through ATX Walk Bike Roll, the city of Austin updated its sidewalk, urban trails, and bicycle plans. These plans will guide how we build urban trails, sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes. They will also identify where we need them most. 

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The Austin Core Transportation (ACT) Plan is a study of transportation and mobility options into, out of, through and within Downtown Austin. The ACT Plan will coordinate with and facilitate several major downtown projects: Project Connect, I-35 Capital Express Central and the Palm District Planning Initiative.

Complete Streets are streets for everyone. Whether people are traveling by car, bicycle, transit, or as pedestrians, they need safe, comfortable and convenient travel routes.

Austin is required by Texas law to designate a Non-Radioactive Hazardous Materials (NRHM) Route for non-radioactive, hazardous cargo traveling through Austin. The Austin Transportation Department is currently in the process of identifying this route.

The Austin Pedestrian Safety Action Plan provides a comprehensive strategy for addressing pedestrian safety in service to a more walkable environment that contributes to Austin’s vision for a sustainable, socially equitable, affordable and economically prosperous city.