To receive notifications regarding project construction, reach out to the Project Inspector, Robert Wood, by email at or by text at (512) 745-1141.
Online Meeting for Phase 2
Thursday, Feb. 24, 6-7 p.m.
Project Features
Phase 1
- Approximately 139 linear feet of concrete concrete box culvert
- 140 linear feet of bored water and wastewater main
- 635 linear feet of water and wastewater mains
- 6 manholes
- Sidewalk installation
- Pedestrian hybrid beacon (crosswalk)
Phase 2
- Installation of a new storm drain system
- 3,600 linear feet of reinforced concrete pipe
- An additional 1,200 linear feet of reinforced concrete pipe in varying section lengths
- 9 underground manufactured water quality units
- 3,100 linear feet of 6-inch to 12-inch ductile iron pipe water main
- 2,200 linear feet of 6-inch to 12-inch PVC wastewater main
Project Status and Impact
The City’s contractor for Phase 1, M.A. Smith Contracting Company, began construction in early April, 2020. Phase 1 of the project completed construction in February 2022. The City's contractor for Phase 2, Facilities Rehabilitation Inc., will begin construction in spring 2022.
Construction for phase 2 will involve temporary lane closures on MLK Boulevard between Ulit Avenue and Boggy Creek. Sometimes water will need to be shut off during construction. The project inspector will notify residents of these shut offs 48 hours in advance and provide a time frame for the shut off.
Phase 2 is expected to take 19 months to complete, weather permitting. There may be noise, dust and vibrations from construction during working hours.
Phase 1:

Phase 2:

The project is funded from the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Budget of the Watershed Protection Department
Total contract amount of $2.9 Million
Project Contacts
Laurie Thering, Project Manager, Capital Delivery Services
Robert Wood, Inspector, Capital Delivery Services
(512) 745-1141 (cell)
Glen Taffinder, Engineer, Watershed Protection