The measure protects East Austin in the area downstream of Longhorn Dam
AUSTIN, Texas – On Thursday, March 27, the Austin City Council voted to expand erosion protections along the Colorado River in East Austin. The ordinance will help protect the public from new, destructive erosion problems in this area, which is especially vulnerable to extreme erosion.
The ordinance expands the area where an erosion hazard zone analysis is required from 100 to 200 feet along the shoreline of the Colorado River downstream of Longhorn Dam. Certain developments and infrastructure projects must conduct an analysis when building in this area. Depending on the results of the analysis, they may be required to take protective measures against erosion. The requirement does not apply to building permits for a single-family home.
The soils along the Colorado River are sandy and highly erosive. It can be challenging and expensive to address erosion in sandy, alluvial soils in dynamic riverine systems. The City of Austin has undertaken several projects to repair or replace infrastructure damaged by erosion, including the pedestrian bridge in Roy G. Guerrero Metropolitan River Park, Fallwell Lane and storm drain outfalls at Tillery and Canterbury Streets.
“This ordinance furthers City of Austin goals to become more resilient in the face of ever worsening climate disasters,” said Jorge Morales, Director of Watershed Protection Department. “Prevention is always preferable to rebuilding after a disaster.”
In addition to expanding the erosion hazard zone in this one specific area, the ordinance also clarifies the code for all erosion hazard zones in the city. It specifies that an analysis is not required for non-habitable structures such as sheds or fences. In addition, it limits erosion hazard zones so that they do not extend beyond a public roadway that runs parallel to a waterway.
For more information and an interactive map showing the expanded zone, visit AustinTexas.gov/RiverProtections.
About Watershed Protection
The City of Austin Watershed Protection Department protects lives, property, and the environment of our community by reducing the impact of flooding, erosion, and water pollution. Visit AustinTexas.gov/Watershed to learn more.