Webinar on Increasing Justice Access


Slide reading "Opening Justice: Using OGP to Advance Access to Justice Reforms" and the Open Government Partnership logo


Justice is an emerging area in open government. Thanks to increased global activity around access to justice, there is growing interest by many governments and civil society organizations to better link justice with open government, and to use the OGP platform as a mechanism for making progress towards global goals such as SDG16+.


The OGP webinar held on December 6 discussed access to justice reforms that can be advanced through the OGP platform. It shared examples of country action from the new, 2019-2021 Action Plans of OGP Co-Chair Government of Argentina and Task Force on Justice member Sierra Leone, experiences from an emerging justice coalition in OGP, as well as of other justice actions globally that seek to put people at the center of justice systems as envisioned in SDG16.


Watch the webinar by clicking here.


Speakers included Gustavo Maurino, National Director of Access to Justice, Ministry of Justice, Argentina; Eleanor Thompson, Human Rights Lawyer and Policy Advocate; and Maaike de Langen, Head of Research for the Task Force on Justice.

