OGP's Open America Conference 2022


América Abierta in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Featured Austin's Experience


Photograph of a group of people seated in a large circle

OGP invited Alba Sereno, City of Austin’s Chief Research and Strategic Initiatives Officer, to speak at the September 2022 “Open Americas” OGP conference as part of the “Human Rights and Vulnerable Communities” panel.


Hurricane Ian prevented Ms. Sereno from participating in person, however she shared a statement with the OGP community addressing two “vulnerable community” approaches from the City of Austin context–the Austin Homelessness Advisory Council and the Racial Equity Catalysts Group.


Austin Homelessness Advisory Council: The City’s Downtown Austin Community Court (DACC) supports the Austin Homelessness Advisory Council (AHAC).  DACC primarily adjudicates offenses committed by defendants experiencing homelessness.  In 2019, the City Innovation Office and DACC established the Austin Homelessness Advisory Council (AHAC) – a group of approximately 15 individuals with lived homelessness experience to guide DACC’s operations.  Today, AHAC continues to meet on a biweekly basis to provide input on any City process, program, and practice impacting and serving individuals experiencing homelessness, including contracts that provide services for people experiencing homelessness.


Racial Equity Catalysts Group: A multi-departmental committee involving the City of Austin’s Innovation and Equity Offices and the Housing and Planning and Economic Development Departments created the Racial Equity Catalysts Group. In 2020, voters approved a $300m bond to prevent resident displacement as part of transportation construction in rapidly-developing Austin.  The multi departmental team led the racial equity tool’s development for use in informing and guiding the $300m investment. Staff opened space for 30 community racial equity catalysts to create the tool.  This “Catalyst” group developed a shared understanding of racial equity.  The City is now using the tool to inform the first $20 million of the $300 investment and will continue to use it in the investment process over the next decade.


For more information about the Open Americas conference, look to the OGP website at AMÉRICA ABIERTA – República Dominicana 2022 (americaabierta.org).

