OGP Questions From The Community


Great questions from our first multi-stakeholder forum evening


On April 16, OGP city staff met with community contributors to give an overview of OGP and gather questions on our next set of Action Plan projects: anti-displacement (AD), public safety data (data), community resilience (resilience), and court contracting.  Thanks to Kenneth, Robin, Liani, Shelly, Lauren, Ishan, & Akhil for sharing what they want to hear about going forward:

  • Robin & AD: How are we facilitating conversations with real estate developers? how are we talking about cost of living (property taxes)? do renters leave before home owners? where do people move to -- is it Pflugerville? what are the pros and cons of moving to a smaller city? what is the potential role of a community land trust?
  • Shelly & AD: What levers does the city have access to for crafting solutions in this space? what has the city identified as far as the push and pull factors on this question? how did we get here and what have we tried, so we can narrow our solution set? how do we memorialize the institutional memory of the situation? is it a matter of poor information?  Let's have the current lead on the online housing tool (austinaffordablehousing.com) give an update, and how can we support it?
  • Akhil & AD: What is the state's role in this issue? what is their position on this issue? how does DFW and Houston's experience inform our experience? what happened this legislative session?
  • Liani & AD: what is the money flow in this issue? who are the people involved in the conversation?
  • Shelly & Data: Is there any additional history to this project?  what's the background? what do we hope to do? Would like to hear more about the guidelines for public safety data generally. Improve the understanding around open data.
  • Lauren & Resilience: the word resilience -- what does it mean here? what does it mean to us? to GAVA? what words do other communities use to talk about this issue? how do we unpack this term?
  • Ishan & Data:  It would be helpful to have an onramp to working with city employees on data sets.


Come to our future Open Austin meetings for answers to these questions and more!
