OGP Podcast: Building the Ladder of Civic Engagement


Austin's Acting Innovation Officer Daniel Culotta featured

Close up cropped headshot of Daniel Culotta


In this month's OGP Voices of Open Government podcast, Stephanie Bluma interviews OGP Austin's Acting Innovation Officer Daniel Culotta and OGP Los Angeles' Civil Society Lead Nicole Anand. The discussion explores renewing democracies by making them more transparent, inclusive, participatory, and accountable.

The podcast interview takes listeners along on a deep dive into Austin's Equity Action Tool developed as part of the city's first Action Plan, and Los Angeles' racial equity lens for its current Action Plan co-creation process.  The speakers share insights on inclusion versus equity, and how to use residents' lived experience as the foundation of government decision making.  How does the Arnstein Ladder of Civic Participation provide a gauge for how well a city team is co-creating? What is the potential for local government open governance in the next decade?  Did OGP influence the COVID response?  Listen in for discussion on all these topics and more!

Check out the February 2022 podcast at the following link (36 min): https://www.opengovpartnership.org/stories/building-the-ladder-of-citizen-engagement/

