How to Share Your Transit Ideas with Capital Metro

Do you have ideas for improving public transit in Southwest Austin? Do you wish that there was more bus service near you, or that the routes operated a little differently, or that certain bus stops were more accessible or comfortable? Capital Metro wants to hear from you, and here’s how you can provide them with feedback.


Capital Metro looks at a swath of local factors when making transit service adjustments, including residential and employment density, destinations and activity centers, connectivity of streets and sidewalks, demographics and socioeconomic characteristics, and demonstrated ridership demand. They use such neighborhood data along with feedback from customers to make decisions about: route placement, spacing, length, and terminals; service hours and frequency; and bus stop spacing, placement, and amenities.


While Capital Metro has service guidelines to inform their decision-making, which can be reviewed here, they are meant to be used as guidelines. Therefore, if you have an idea on how to improve transit quality to, from, or within District 8, you can reach out to Capital Metro by phone (512-474-1200), email (, or their customer comment form.


Thank you for helping to improve transit service for everyone!


District 8 Staff Contacts: Brittne Walker, Communications & District Relations Manager; Julie Montgomery, Policy Advisor
