Community Action Night: Resilience, Contracting & Summit Updates


The City of Austin Open Government Partnership team gathered on June 18th at Open Austin's monthly Community Action Night to share feedback from the international summit and updates on our projects.

Carmen Llanes Pulido from Go Austin Vamos Austin spoke on her organization's climate resilience work and the role of OGP, city departments, and most of all the neighborhoods affected by changes in temperature, rain, and air quality.

Robert Kingham joined the discussion with perspectives on the Austin Homeless Advisory Committee supported by his team at the Downtown Austin Community Court, and progress they've made sharing their model on the national and international level.

Photograph of two people speaking at a meeting with a television between them

Go Austin Vamos Austin's Carmen Llanes Pulido discusses GAVA's resilience work


The team also shared their experiences at the May international OGP Summit, with lessons learned from other government and community representatives.  Check back for future Bloomfire posts dedicated to Summit stories.
