Austin's 2019-21 Action Plan (AP2)


The city's 2nd plan features commitments focusing on resilience, equity, anti-displacement, and community contracting

Header with City of Austin logo and title "Open Government Partnership Local Governments Program: City of Austin, USA 2019-20 Action Plan"

In 2016, City Council Resolution 20160225-017 declared the City of Austin’s interest in participating in the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an international coalition of governments and community organizations working together on good government projects that foster accountability, transparency, civic engagement, and technology innovation.  


The City of Austin successfully completed five projects in 2017 in our first one-year OGP membership cycle.  In 2018, city staff worked with community to develop new commitments for our next OGP cycle, which this time will be over a two-year period.  


We are proud to now share our final 2019-2020 Action Plan highlighting the city’s work on important community issues with 4 projects we will complete in collaboration with community:

  • climate resilience pilot in Dove Springs led by the Office of Sustainability;
  • public participation in city anti-displacement efforts led by Neighborhood Housing & Community Development & the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded Innovation Team (i-Team);
  • public safety data analysis led by the Equity Office; and
  • inclusion in court contracting led by Downtown Austin Community Court.

For the official distribution to Austin City Council, click here.

To see the Plan on the OGP website, click here.

Note: Austin drafted this Action Plan when it was part of the 2019-2020 cohort, but OGP shifted Austin to the 2019-2021 cohort. This is the reason for the document title differing from the final article title.

