A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W
Service Online Phone Contact

Tuberculosis testing

 The tuberculosis clinic provides evaluation and treatment of clients for latent and active TB disease.

512-972-5460 Health

Social services at neighborhood centers

The Neighborhood Centers can help low- and moderate-income families in need with free services, including food assistance, job search help, health screenings, fans, and more.

512-972-5000 Health

Foodborne Illness Complaints

APH’s public-facing complaint system is an online survey that allows you to file a foodborne illness report when events surrounding your illness are fresh on your mind. When you think that something you ate made you sick (and possibly others), fill out the questions completely to capture as much information as possible to send to your local health department. APH epidemiologists will examine your report, investigate if needed, and capture real-time information about what is going on in your community.

3-1-1 Health

Smoking violations

Smoking in public places is prohibited in Austin.  To report violations, call 3-1-1 or complete the Smoking in Public Places Online Complaint Form.  Reports can be made anonymously.

3-1-1 Health

Restaurant inspection scores

Food establishments in Austin are inspected twice a year to evaluate proper food handling to ensure food safety. Inspection scores are posted online for public review.

512-972-5000 Health

Homeowner assistance

The City has several programs for homeowners needing affordability and renovation assistance to stay in their homes and avoid foreclosure.

512-974-3100 Housing

Representing the City in labor negotiations

The Labor Relations Office represents the City in negotiations related to wages, hours and terms of employment with public safety employees' associations.

3-1-1 Labor Relations

Labor agreement compliance assistance

The Labor Relations Office interprets components of the agreements to initiate new procedures or policies, audits compliance with the agreements, and alerts management of any critical issues. See Public Safety Labor Agreement Compliance for additional information.

3-1-1 Labor Relations

Public safety labor agreement training

The Labor Relations Office trains city staff and management on the proper interpretation of the components of labor agreements to ensure compliance and on grievance procedures.

3-1-1 Labor Relations

Personnel grievances

The ombudsperson serves as a neutral third-party to provide assistance to resolve non-civil service employee personnel action grievances, workplace environment issues and other human resources-related matters. See Ombudsman Process for additional information.

3-1-1 Labor Relations

File a citizen complaint

You can file a citizen complaint about insurance violations, noisy animals, traffic code, city code, and criminal violations.

512-974-4800 Municipal Court

City of Austin facility and property inventory

Real Estate’s pages have moved to the Financial Services Department. You can now access all relevant information and resources in the Community Services section on AustinTexas.gov/FSD

Information on City-owned facilities and properties, including maps and other resources, are available here on our website. Additional questions regarding any City-owned parcel of land should be directed to RealEstate@austintexas.gov or 512-974-7090.

800-847-8849 Office of Real Estate Services

Parks and Recreation jobs

Our team creates diverse programs and experiences in sustainable natural spaces and public places and offers essential support and maintenance services.

Parks and Recreation

Parks and facility planning

The PARD planning process includes collaboration with community members to identify desired park or facility uses. These plans (formerly called "master plans") include District and Metropolitan Vision Plans, Concept Plans, Facility Plans, and Facility Expansion Plans (Terms and Definitions). PARD staff also reviews other adopted or recognized plans for consistency with the proposed plans.

Parks and Recreation

Facility reservations

The Parks and Recreation Department's Office of Special Events coordinates reservations and filming requests at a number of facility and picnic sites within the Austin parks system. Contact the office at 512-974-6797 to set up a facility reservation.

512-974-6797 Parks and Recreation

Reserve Parkland for Commercial Use

The department has observed a growing demand for use of City parklands by a variety of private commercial entities. Go to the Commercial Use of Dedicated Parkland web page.

512-974-6718 Parks and Recreation

Growth Watch

Growth Watch tracks the trends in development by watching new site plans, subdivisions and permits and tracking those. Emerging Projects shows some of the prominent projects in planning or construction phases in and around Austin.

512-974-6459 Planning

Commercial collection services

Austin Resource Recovery provides cart-based trash and recycling collection services for some small businesses in residential areas that do not require dumpsters. Most businesses, however, choose a private hauler for their landfill trash, recycling or composting services. Additionally, Austin Resource Recovery manages a commercial trash and recycling contract for businesses located in the Downtown Austin Service District.

3-1-1 Resource Recovery

Learn about MBE/WBE contract monitoring

Compliance monitors and enforces the City of Austin’s MBE/WBE program rules.

This review process includes reviewing solicitations, setting project goals, collaborating with a project manager to identify scopes of work, and verifying compliance plan information submitted by bidders and proposers on all phases of a project.

Compliance also conducts site audits, reviews payment requests, facilitates performance and payment issues, and determines final compliance with the program.

512-974-7600 Small and Minority Business

Apply for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Enterprise (ACDBE) is a certification for small, minority- and/or women-owned businesses that are socially or economically disadvantaged.

A DBE/ACDBE certification increases opportunities for individuals wanting to do business with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other State agencies receiving federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration.

512-974-7645 Small and Minority Business