Senior Transportation Program operated by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation (PARD), Centralized Programs Division, Senior Programs. PARD has operated the Senior Transportation Program for over 30 years through the City of Austin general fund and grant funding provided by the Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG). Goal: To provide a special system of transportation to enhance the quality of life and promote independence for persons 60 years or older residing within Austin city limits


Senior Transportation Service Map

Senior Transportation Service Map

Types of Services and Fees

Senior Transportation reservations will be taken over phone only. and will be on a first come first served basis.

Medical Appointments (non-emergency/routine appointment): Destinations include general/specialty doctor, dentist, etc.; surgical procedures are classified as an emergency. FEE: FREE / $1.00 donation optional

Regular Routes / Lunch Program: Service from your door to the nearest PARD Senior Congregate Meal (partnered by Meals on Wheels Central Texas) location and back home. FEE: FREE / $1.00 donation optional

Reserve-a-Ride: Door-to-door service to /from requested destination within the Austin city limits. FEE: $3.00 each destination

Reserve-a-Ride Types:

  • Errands (non-medical): Destinations include grocery store, shopping centers, bank, hair salon, etc.
  • Group Travel: Group excursion/field trip travel to destinations within Austin city limits. Groups must have minimum of 7 riders. FEE: $6.00 per rider

How to Apply

Title VI Information

Title VI Complaint Informational Flyer

To file a Title VI complaint electronically please use the link below: