Austin Water 2024: A Strategic Plan

Austin Water Strategic Plan cover

Austin Water 2024 is designed to give stakeholders, customers, and employees an overview of Austin Water’s annual operational goals. In addition, it presents strategic initiatives and improvement efforts that will dramatically transform Austin Water operations in the years to come.

Strategic Plan


Strategic Initiatives:

Progress Reports and Dashboards

Follow our yearly progress as we implement the strategic initiatives outlined in the 2023 Strategic Plan.  A monthly dashboard is also available which highlights key-performance indicators. 

Annual Strategic Plan Progress Report


Other Reports

Affordability Metric Report 

Affordability Metric Report was provided to Austin City Council in 2018 and set the benchmark for analysis and evaluation of Austin Water’s efforts to improve affordability for all customers.


Water Quality Report - Consumer Confidence Report

Austin Water's annual "consumer confidence reports" describe the overall quality of water from its raw collection and storage to the treated purity at your tap. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that all drinking water suppliers provide a water quality report to their customers on an annual basis.