Helping to make homes accessible for persons with disabilities & senior Austinites.

Architectural barriers are physical elements of a home that can make it difficult to easily enter, leave, or move around your home. Eligible homeowners and renters can receive up to $20,000 for improvements.

Home modifications can make it easier to get around a home safely. Modifications are provided at no cost to eligible, qualifying households. Some services may include:
  • Replacing stairs with ramps
  • Removing bathroom barriers
  • Widening doorways & upgrading doorknobs

These are just some of the available upgrades that may help you get around your home safely.

Who is eligible? 

  • Austin homeowners & renters living within Austin’s full-purpose city limits.  Renters must have landlord approval before applying.
  • Austinites must be at least 62 years old ~OR~ verified by a doctor to be severely disabled per Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines.
  • Austinites must have a gross annual income at/below 80% Median Family Income (MFI). The table below shows the income limits by number of persons living in the home.
Number of people living in household 1

Annual income at 80% MFI or less $68,500 $78,250 $88,050 $97,800 $105,650 $113,450

For example: 4-person household would need to earn an annual income of $97,800 or less to qualify.

Application process

  1. If you are eligible, complete and submit the new short and easy-to-use online Home Repairs Request More Information form (available in English and Spanish).
  2. You will be contacted about the next steps.
  3. Construction scheduling varies based on need, project size, and repairs needed.