Public Meeting
Please join us for a virtual public meeting on Zoom for an update on this project.
Watershed Protection Department has received several local flooding complaints from residents in this area. Local flooding is the type of flooding that generally occurs away from the creek. It occurs due to an undersized or lack of local drainage system The project is intended to alleviate the flooding of buildings, yards, and streets through upgraded and/or new storm drain infrastructure.
Project Map
The illustration below shows the proposed alignment for the storm drain infrastructure improvements.
Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:
- Feasibility Study: When several potential solutions are evaluated.
- Preliminary Engineering: When a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
- Design: When the details are worked out, construction plans drawn up and drainage easements are acquired.
- Permitting and Bidding: When all permits are acquired and a contractor is hired.
- Construction: When the project is built.
- Post Construction: Projects typically include a year-long warranty period.
Input received after the September 2022 public meeting and the addition of Austin Water as a partner to the project resulted in an extension of the Preliminary Engineering Phase, called Pre-Design. The preliminary engineering phase is complete and design is expected to start in Spring 2025.
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