Man with ear-pods looking at computer screen

Austin Resilience Network (ARN)

Austin Resilience Network

The Austin Resilience Network (ARN) is comprised of City and community resources that equitably empower individuals to prepare for, endure, and bounce back stronger from community-wide shocks, stressors, and emergencies. The ARN is a collaboration between City departments, community organizations, and the public. 

The Austin Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management's (HSEM) focus within ARN is through the lens of emergency management. The Austin Resilience Network should pool resources and build capacity to help the public be more resilient before emergencies so that our community sustains better during and bounces back faster after disasters. 


Austin Resilience Hubs

The Austin Resilience Network has evolved from the Resilience Hub Pilot. On April 8, 2021, through adoption of Council Resolution No. 20210408-028 was created, giving the City Manager direction to create a network of Resilience Hubs with the City. The Office of Resilience, Office of Sustainability, HSEM, Austin Public Health, Austin Fire Department, Economic Development, and Equity Office have worked together to coordinate the planning and implementation of Resilience Hubs leading to a pilot project that tested City-owned facilities as hubs for resilience resources, education and support. 

The Resilience Hub pilot included City-owned facilities that offer services and support for the community before, during, and after a disaster. The pilot helped us to identify a need to grow beyond limited static locations into a more robust network of facilities, people and organizations. 

National Resilience Programming 

For more information on resilience programming nationwide, check out the Urban Sustainability Directors Network. The USDN is a peer-to-peer network of local government professionals from communities across the U.S. and Canada dedicated to creating a healthier environment, economic prosperity, and increased social equity. Members of USDN are an authority on Resilience Hubs and highlight what, how, and why they can make an impact on a community's resiliency.

Through experience from members of USDN, the ARN aims to gain institutional knowledge from shared best practices and accelerate the development and implementation of Austin's own Resilience Network. Both the Office of Resilience and Office of Sustainability are USDN members. 


City Departments, Agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) make up the Austin Resilience Network. To learn more about how to get involved contact