Educational Resources
Austin 3-1-1 is your resource for City-related services and information. Find educational resources for Austin 3-1-1 services and more here. Select a program drop-down to see the educational resources.
- Austin 3-1-1 Overview
Did you know that Austin 3-1-1 answers around 1 million calls every year? We are the City of Austin’s information center. Ambassadors are available anytime to help you. Click here to watch an overview video of Austin 3-1-1.
- Austin 3-1-1 City of Austin Department & Service Request Descriptions
View a list of the City of Austin Department & Service Request Descriptions.
Revise la lista de las Descripciones de las Solicitudes de Servicio y Departamentos de la Ciudad de Austin.
- "Closed" Service Request / "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada
If you receive a closed service request message and you aren't sure why, watch the videos below. We will help you understand why your service request has been closed. We have a full video to get the ins and outs of the "closed" service request process and a breakdown of the video to suite your specific need. If you still have questions about your closed service request, call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000 to speak with an Austin 3-1-1 call ambassador.
"Closed" Service Request Full Video
- "Closed" Service Request Part 1: Connecting You to City of Austin Departments
- "Closed" Service Request Part 2: The Service Request Process
- "Closed" Service Request Part 3: Resolving the "Closed"
- "Closed" Service Request Part 4: Working to Improve
Find the full playlist for the "Closed" Service Request videos here.
Si recibe un mensaje de solicitud de servicio cerrada y no está seguro de por qué, vea los videos a continuación. Le ayudaremos a entender por qué se ha cerrado su solicitud de servicio. Tenemos un video completo para conocer los detalles del proceso de solicitud de servicio "cerrada" y un desglose del video para adaptarse a sus necesidades específicas. Si aún tiene preguntas sobre su solicitud de servicio cerrada, llame al 3-1-1 o al 512-974-2000 para hablar con un embajador de llamadas del Austin 3-1-1.
Video Completo de "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada
- "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada Parte 1: Conectándolo(a) con los Departamentos de la Ciudad de Austin
- "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada Parte 2: El Proceso de la Solicitud de Servicio
- "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada Parte 3: Resolviendo la "Cerrada"
- "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada Parte 4: Trabajando para Mejorar
Encuentre la lista completa de reproducción para los videos de "Solicitud" de Servicio Cerrada aquí.
- Life of a Service Request / Vida de una Solicitud de Servicio
Ever wondered how to submit a service request, what happens after you do or what service requests are for? Learn about the Life of a Service Request through this video to know how to do your part in improving and maintaining the City of Austin.
Watch the Life of a Service Request video here!
¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado cómo enviar una solicitud de servicio, qué sucede después de hacerlo o para qué sirven las solicitudes de servicio? Conozca la Vida de una Solicitud de Servicio a través de este video para saber cómo contribuir en la mejora y el mantenimiento de la Ciudad de Austin.
Vea el video de la Vida de una Solicitud de Servicio aquí.
- Updating the Austin 3-1-1 Mobile App / Actualización de la Aplicación Móvil del Austin 3-1-1
Austin 3-1-1 has made some big upgrades to the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app, and we want to make sure you're using the most up-to-date version. For guidance on how to update the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app on Apple and Android devices, follow the guide below or watch the quick video!
Updating the Austin 3-1-1 Mobile App Guide
Updating the Austin 3-1-1 Mobile App Guide Video
El Austin 3-1-1 ha realizado algunas mejoras importantes en la aplicación móvil del Austin 3-1-1, y queremos asegurarnos de que esté utilizando la versión más actualizada. Para obtener orientación sobre cómo actualizar la aplicación móvil del Austin 3-1-1 en dispositivos Apple y Android, siga la guía a continuación o vea el video rápido.
Guía de Actualización de la Aplicación Móvil del Austin 3-1-1
Video de la Guía de Actualización de la Aplicación Móvil del Austin 3-1-1
- What's Up With 3-1-1? / ¿Que Pasa Con El 3-1-1?
Stay in the know of the goings-on in the City of Austin! In this bi-monthly show we give you access to the most important service requests to use for the season and more! Stay tuned to know how you can help make Austin better for everyone.
Manténgase informado sobre los acontecimientos en la Ciudad de Austin. ¡En este programa bimensual le brindamos acceso a las solicitudes de servicio más importantes para usar durante la temporada y más! Esté atento para saber cómo puede ayudar a mejorar Austin para todos.
- Austin Energy Resources / Recursos de Austin Energy
Scam Calls
Don't Fall for the Call! Watch this video for important information on scam calls and how to report them.
Power Outage
If power is out in your area, please use one of the following methods to report the power outage.
- Text "outage" to 287846
- Visit the Austin Energy Outage Map.
- Call 512-322-9100
- Download the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app and use the "Report an Outage" option.
Llamadas de Estafa
¡No caiga en la llamada! Vea este video para obtener información importante sobre las llamadas de estafa y cómo denunciarlas.
Corte de Energía
Si hay un corte de energía en su área, utilice uno de los siguientes métodos para informar sobre el corte de energía.
- Envíe "Outage" al 287846 por texto
- Visite el Mapa de Cortes de Energía de Austin Energy.
- Llame al 512-322-9100
- Descargue la aplicación móvil del Austin 3-1-1 y utilice la opción "Reportar un Corte de Energía".
- Troubleshooting the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app
Below is a list of basic troubleshooting steps for resolving most Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app issues.
If your issue is not resolved using the troubleshooting steps below, please note that some devices and operating systems may not be compatible with the software requirements of the application.
Minimum requirements for using Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app:
- Smartphone and tablet devices Android and iOS/Apple operating systems
- Download Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app from Google Play Store or App Store
- Cellular or WIFI enabled
- GPS enabled
If you are still unable to submit the service request with your mobile device and your request is a non-emergency, please call Austin 3-1-1. You can also submit a service request from your mobile device online at 3-1-1.austintexas.gov.
If your service requests in an emergency, call 911 directly.
New Request
Unable to submit an SR:
- Ensure that you have correctly tapped on the New Request pencil/paper icon.
- Close/Reopen application and retry.
- Power your device off and on and retry.
- Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
- Ensure that your phone's Location/GPS feature is turned on.
Cannot find my SR Type to submit:
- Ensure that you have completely scrolled through all available service requests.
- Ensure that the SR is an available option.
- Close/Reopen application and retry.
- Power your device off and on and retry.
- Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
- Submit as “Other” or call 3-1-1.
The GPS feature is not functional:
- Ensure the GPS feature is activated.
- Please see your device’s manual for turning on GPS services.
- If you choose not to enable your GPS, you can also tap and drag the pin to the correct location.
The GPS location is different from where the photo was taken:
- Change location by pressing and holding the map marker and drag to the desired address. Click OK at the top of the screen.
- If geo tagging is enabled for photos on your phone, the location will automatically be changed to the location where the photo was taken.
There are no recent service requests found in the Recent:
- Ensure that you have correctly tapped on the Recent clock icon.
- Close/Reopen application and retry.
- Power your device off and on and retry.
- Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
My Requests
There are no reports found in My Request page:
- Ensure that you have correctly tapped on the My Requests pencil icon.
- Close/Reopen application and retry.
- Power your device off and on and retry.
- Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
Cannot find my SR Type to submit:
- Ensure that you have completely scrolled through all available Service Requests.
- Ensure that the SR is an available option.
- Close/Reopen application and retry.
- Power your device off and on and retry.
- Uninstall/Reinstall application and retry.
- Submit as “Other” or call 3-1-1.
The GPS feature is not functional:
- Ensure the GPS feature is activated.
- Please see your device’s manual for turning on GPS services.
- If you choose not to enable your GPS, you can also tap and drag the pin to the correct location.
The GPS location is different from where the photo was taken:
- Change location by pressing and holding the map marker and drag to the desired address.
- Click OK at the top of the screen.
- If geo tagging is enabled for photos on your phone, the location will automatically be changed to the location where the photo was taken.
COVID-19 Info
The COVID-19 on the Austin website will not open from the Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app.
- Visit the COVID-19 Austin website on your phone's web browser.
- Visit https://www.austintexas.gov/covid19 from another device (computer, tablet, etc.).
Report Outage
The Report Outage page will not load in the Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app.
- Visit the View and Report Power Outages website on your phone's web browser.
- Visit https://outagemap.austinenergy.com/external/default.html from another device (computer, tablet, etc.).
Contact information is incorrect:
- Open the Reporter page, edit the Contact Info, and select Save.
For a more comprehensive list of service requests types to choose and submit from using your home or laptop, visit Citizen Web Intake.
Questions and concerns regarding the Austin 3-1-1 smart phone app may be forwarded to 3-1-1 Mobile App Feedback.
If the above recommendations do not resolve your mobile device's technical issue, please contact your service provider for assistance.