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About the Community Police Review Commission


The Community Police Review Commission (CPRC) is a Board of the City that is independent of and separate from the Austin Police Department.

Meet your commissioners!

On Monday, November 18, 2024, the Office of Police Oversight (OPO) randomly selected the eleven community volunteers for the Community Police Review Commission. The pool of candidates considered for selection applied for the position were determined eligible by the City Auditor as defined in the Austin Police Oversight Act (City Code 2-15) and confirmed their interest in serving on the commission. The commissioners selected are:

  • Carlos Greaves
  • Christopher Harris
  • Darrick Eugene
  • DeMarris Jackson
  • John Banaski
  • Laura Cortes Franco
  • Maica Clutario
  • Robert Corona
  • Ruben Delapaz
  • Kathy Russell
  • Terry Flood

You can watch the selection process video on ATXN. OPO staff will contact selected candidates to provide more information about the onboarding process.

For more information, contact 

CPRC Authority and Obligations

The Commission may

  1. Review any investigation of death in custody, serious bodily injury, or other serious misconduct after the completion of any investigation and prior to the issuance of discipline, and/or in response to the request for review by a complainant
  2. For cases that it reviews, make discipline recommendations to the Police Chief
  3. Request to be briefed by the OPO Director and/or an APD Internal Affairs representative concerning the facts of a particular case under review by CPRC
  4. Advise the Police Chief, the OPO Director, the City Manager, and the City Council on the effectiveness and appropriateness of APD’s policies and procedures concerning the following:
  • Police officer misconduct
  • Police officer training
  • Use of force by police officers
  • Community relations
  • Any other activities of APD
  1. Address other APD activities of public concern
  2. Assess the effectiveness of OPO and the ordinance and suggest improvements
  3. Report at least annually to the public on the results of its activities, releasing such reports to all interested parties and the public at the same time
  4. Conduct community engagement activities, including public posting of all meeting agendas with the subject matter, including the incident date and the nature of the incident

The Commission shall:

  1. Release to the general public and post on its website all CPRC letters making recommendations on reviewed cases and on any other topics pursuant to §2-15-4(D) of the City Code

Commissioner Authority and Obligations

Members of the Community Police Review Commission shall:

  1. Have direct access to all necessary records of APD, including records concerning investigations, databases of force incident reports, and all retained video, including but not limited to police body-worn cameras, police vehicle dash cameras and HALO cameras, as necessary to carry out their responsibilities under the ordinance
  2. Be granted secure online access to all necessary materials for as long as they require to adequately prepare for meetings on individual cases
  3. Within 90 days of their appointment, attend 20 hours of training created by OPO, which shall be focused on the laws, rules, and policies governing the conduct of police officers in Austin in accordance with recommendations of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, and members may begin to serve before completing the training
  4. Agree to maintain confidentiality concerning any materials to which they have access that are designated confidential; members of the CPRC may speak in general terms about issues that arise in one or more cases without fear of removal, but members who release confidential information knowingly, after being informed of its sensitive nature, may be removed from further service on the CPRC

Commissioner Eligibility

To join the Community Police Review Commission, applicants must attest that they:

  1. Are independent of and unconnected to any member of a police department
  2. Are independent of and unconnected to any member of an association representing police officers
  3. Have never been employed or contracted by any police department
  4. Have never been employed or contracted by any police association
  5. Have not held employment in a police department at any time
  6. Have not held employment in a police association at any time

Contact information
