Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions about our programs or projects. Below is a list of phone numbers and email addresses to help direct you to the right team. For some inquiries, it is better to call and only a phone number has been provided.
Report a drainage problem, pollution spill or make a service request.
- Call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000.
- You can also make a service request online or download the 3-1-1 mobile app.
- More info about 3-1-1.
- More info about reporting pollution.
Drainage Charge or Billing Questions.
- Call 512-494-9400.
- More info about the Drainage Charge.
Administrative Offices
- Call 512-974-2540
- Email Watershed Protection.
Floodplain Office
- Email the Floodplain Office
- Leave a message on our Floodplain Hotline at 512-974-2843.
- More info about Floodplain Management.
- Call our media line at 512-974-1450.
- Email our communications team.
- News releases are on our home page.
Rain to River
- Email Rain to River.
- More about Rain to River.
Physical Office Addresses
- One Texas Center, 505 Barton Springs Rd, Austin TX, 78704
- Waller Creek Tunnel Inlet Facility, 500 E 12th St, Austin, TX 78701
- Waller Creek Tunnel Offices, 2001 E 5th St, Austin, TX 78702
- Harold Court, 6301 Harold Ct, Austin, TX 78721
- Sherman Road, 9200 Sherman Rd, Austin, TX 78742
Mailing Address
City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department, PO Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767
Contact a specific person.
Call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000 and ask to be transferred. Email is usually