Address Management Services reviews and reserves street names to be applied to right of way, easements or private drives throughout Travis County. Not all accesses may be named. Duplicate and/or similar-sounding street names are prevented and continuity with existing streets is maintained. For a complete list of street naming rules, as well as an explanation of the street name reservation process, see the Austin and Travis County Street Name Standards. To prevent duplication, 'Reserved' and 'Active' street names can be viewed below in the Street Name Database.

The Transportation and Public Works Department is responsible for the Street Name Change process. Learn how to request a street name change.

Street Name Database
The Street Name Database includes City of Austin and Travis County streets that are either in use or reserved for use. If a name appears in this list, it may not be used for another street.  The database is updated on a nightly basis.

To search for a street name, click on the magnifying glass in the top left corner of the table. Type in the street name and press Enter.

Click here to open the 911 Addressing - Street Name Master List in a new tab.