We are analyzing areas prone to repetitive flooding. This analysis is part of Austin’s participation in FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program, which makes flood insurance available to Austin’s residents.

Community Survey

In August 2023, we sent letters to approximately 600 property owners in areas where there has been repetitive flooding. If you received a letter, please consider filling out our survey to let us know more about flooding in your area by September 8, 2023.

Repetitive Losses

A property is considered to be a repetitive loss property if there have been two or more flood insurance claims more than $1,000 in any 10-year period. FEMA focuses on repetitive loss properties because they can strain the National Flood Insurance Program’s finances and drain funds needed to respond to catastrophes.

Repetitive Loss Areas

Repetitive loss areas are shown in the map below. These areas contain at least one repetitive loss property identified by FEMA. The areas also include other properties in the immediate area which have a similarly elevated flood risk based upon City of Austin site visits and analysis. Our report will identify causes of flooding in these areas and potential ways to mitigate flooding.

Map showing repetitive loss areas in Austin

Timeline and Process

FEMA has a defined process for communities to follow for the analysis of repetitive loss areas. The process includes:

  • Initial notification and community input
  • Analysis of each repetitive loss area
  • Publication of draft analysis on this website for community feedback
  • Adoption of final analysis by the Austin City Council

The final analysis will be made available on this website. We anticipate it will be completed in 2024.


Please reach out to Kevin Shunk, Floodplain Administrator, at 512-974-9176, or send an email to Kevin Shunk.