
It is my privilege to present the inaugural annual report for the Office of Police Oversight (OPO).

Since November 15, 2018, when OPO was formally established by city ordinance, we have worked diligently to fulfill our mission to provide impartial oversight, increase transparency, and create sustainable community partnerships. I could not be more pleased with what OPO staff has accomplished and thankful for the continued support from city management, the city council, and our community.

Civilian oversight is crucial to maintaining a balance between the need for public safety and the rights of individuals who interact with police. Over the last two and half years, we have built three divisions aligned with our core mission and purpose: Complaints, Community Engagement/Communications, and Policy/Research. We have taken a holistic approach to oversight that prioritizes communication, collaboration, and a more robust commitment to accountability. This new approach reflects the culture and beliefs of our diverse Austin community.

We have recognized that civilian oversight cannot and should not be limited to just investigations of police misconduct. Effective oversight and improvements in policing must be coupled with data, research, and community input. These areas are necessary for positive and sustainable change that benefits both our community and the police department. Our office motto is “Excellence is the Expectation!” and our commitment to excellence will continue in our work.

It is my honor to serve as the Director of the Office of Police Oversight, and I am humbled by my team's commitment to this challenging work, their tenacity, and passion. As a team, this report highlights our achievements and accomplishments.

I am so proud that OPO is a national model for civilian police oversight and proof that effective oversight can lead to systemic change.

Farah C Muscadin signature

Farah C. Muscadin, JD

Director, Office of Police Oversight