
Austin's City Council and City Manager want to know your opinion on Austin Police Department policies. The Office of Police Oversight (OPO) is organizing events and surveys to collect feedback from community members.

We’re Engaging the Community to Rewrite the Austin Police Department’s (APD) Policy

Austin's City Council and City Manager want to know your opinion on Austin Police Department policies. The Office of Police Oversight (OPO) is organizing events and surveys to collect feedback from community members.

Currently, we are requesting feedback on policies related to the use of body-worn and dashboard cameras.

OPO will organize community feedback into a report and submit it to the City Manager, City Council, and the Austin Police Department.

Read more about this effort below or click here to get involved.

What Are the General Orders?

The General Orders are the Austin Police Department’s policies. These policies direct most actions taken by Austin Police Department officers and cover everything from how to file reports to the use of force.

View the current version of the General Orders.

Why Do APD Policies Need To Change?

OPO conducted extensive research on national best practices for policing. The research shows that updating APD's policies will improve the safety of both community members and police officers.

OPO reviewed successful programs and policies across Texas and the United States to recommend specific steps to reduce risk to officers and community members. These recommendations reflect the expertise and practical experience of oversight professionals, policing professionals, and legal scholars.

While these policy recommendations will not solve all racial disparities in policing, they will improve APD’s transparency with the community and increase accountability. These improvements are key to advancing racial equity and reducing racial disparities.

Why Is OPO Helping Rewrite the General Orders?

In June 2020, Austin City Council passed several measures related to public safety. These resolutions included:

The City Manager directed OPO to help rewrite the Austin Police Department General Orders. This rewrite will cover all policy areas, including issues like search and seizure, body-worn cameras, dash cameras, mental health response, discipline, bias, language, and courtesy.

Why Are We Starting With Re-Writing These Policies?

OPO recommends that the General Orders rewrite start with the policies that have the most impact on officers' interactions with the public. OPO found nine main issues with the Austin Police Department’s current rules on body-worn and dashboard cameras. Our goal is to improve APD’s rules to enhance safety for both community members and officers. Our recommendations consider our specific community needs and additional research into best practices.

Want to share your opinions on OPO’s recommendations? Learn ways to get involved.