In addition to sentiment and demographic data, OPO collected and analyzed data on respondents’ interactions with APD officers and knowledge of APD’s current body-worn and dashboard camera policies. Details of this analysis are provided below.

Past interactions with an on-duty APD officer wearing a body-worn camera:

  • 37% of respondents reported having had an interaction with an on-duty APD officer wearing a body-worn camera.
  • 31% of respondents said they had not ever had such an interaction.
  • 23% of respondents reported not knowing whether they had ever had such an interaction.

Past interactions with off-duty officer

Past interactions with an on-duty APD officer after April 2019 [4]:

  • 46% of respondents said they had no interaction with an APD officer after April 2019.

Officer interactions after April 2019


  • Of the respondents who said they had an interaction with an APD officer after April 2019, 36% said they had a physical or mental health condition.

Officer interaction after April 2019 by individuals with a physical or mental health condition

Knowledge of recording during interaction with APD officer:

  • 25% of respondents believe they were recorded by an APD officer.
  • Of the respondents who provided details about their experience being recorded by an APD officer [5], 78% believed the interaction was recorded by a body-worn camera because they saw the officer wearing the body-worn camera.

Knowledge of Recording

Effort to obtain footage:

  • Only a small percentage of respondents (2%) said they attempted to get access to video footage capturing a past interaction with an on-duty APD officer.

Effort to obtain footage

Knowledge and source of knowledge of APD’s body-worn and dashboard camera policies:

  • 29% of respondents indicated that they were not at all familiar with APD’s body-worn and dashboard camera rules.

Familiary with APD Rules

  • Of the respondents who provided a substantive response [6] and confirmed some level of knowledge regarding APD’s body-worn and dashboard camera rules, 42% indicated that they learned about the policies because they heard or observed them being discussed by others.

Source of knowledge about APD Rules

  • Of respondents who said that they live with a mental or physical condition, 36% said they are not at all familiar with APD’s rules related to body-worn and dashboard cameras.

Knowledge of APD Rules by Individuals with a Physical or Mental Health Condition