Equity Action Team

The Equity Action Team (EAT) is the community surrounding the Equity Office. Anybody who wants can join the EAT, whether they are City staff, a member of a local community organization, or just an individual who cares about advancing racial equity. The current roster is over 800 members. Join the Team and find more information on the EAT Dashboard.

The EAT contains the individuals who organized and pushed for the creation of the Equity Office. Their first goal was helping the Office co-create the Equity Assessment Tool. Now, in monthly meetings the EAT functions as a compass for the Office, ensuring we remain accountable to the community. 

Equity Action Team Meetings

Everyone is welcome to join the EAT! As a member, your responsibility is to attend and bring your community with you. During our meetings, we hear from community members and City staff to understand community needs and City projects and work together to produce better outcomes for all. See below for our upcoming meetings; we hope to see you there! 

2024 EAT Meeting Schedule
Month Date Time RSVP Link Location
January 2024 n/a n/a n/a n/a--Equity Forum 'Another World is Possible'; no EAT meeting in January
February 2024 Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024 10:30am-1:30pm bit.ly/Feb24EAT Turner Roberts Recreation Center, 7201 Colony Loop Drive, Austin, TX 78724 in the Multipurpose Room
March 2024 Wednesday, March 27, 2024 6pm-8:30pm bit.ly/MarchEAT

Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th St, Austin, TX 78702; we will meet in the 4th floor conference room (400A)

April 2024 Saturday, April 27, 2024 10:30am-1:30pm bit.ly/AprilEAT Wildflower Church-Community Room, 1314 E Oltorf St., Austin, TX 78704
May 2024 Wednesday, May 29, 2024 6pm-8:30pm bit.ly/MayEAT24 Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th St, Ste 120, 4th Floor Conference Room 400A, Austin, TX 78702
June 2024 Saturday, June 29, 2024 10:30am-1:30pm bit.ly/June2024EAT Montopolis Recreation Center-Community Room, 1200 Montopolis Dr, Austin, TX 78741
July 2024 Wednesday, July 31, 2024 6pm-8:30pm bit.ly/July2024EAT Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th St, Ste 120, 4th Floor Conference Room 400A, Austin, TX 78702
August 2024 Saturday 10:30am-1:30pm   University Hills Branch Library (Meeting Rooms 1 & 2), 4721 Loyola Ln, Austin, TX 78723
September 2024 Wednesday, September 25, 2024  6pm-8:30pm   Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th St, Ste 120, 4th Floor Conference Room 400A, Austin, TX 78702
October 2024 Saturday 10:30am-1:30pm   TBD
Novmber & December 2024  (combined meeting) Wednesday, December 4, 2024 6pm-8:30pm   Street-Jones Building, 1000 E 11th St, Ste 120, 4th Floor Conference Room 400A, Austin, TX 78702

There are three committees contained within the Equity Action Team: Parks and Recreation Support, Evaluation, and the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Support.

Parks and Recreation Action Plan Support

The Parks and Recreation (PARD) Action Plan Support Committee grew out of work that was done within the Community Engagement Committee over the summer. They collaborated with Parks and Recreation and studied the barriers to participation in Aquatics programming. The study unveiled a number of barriers for Eastside pools. Creating solutions to remove these barriers will be one goal that this group will tackle. Others will be items identified by PARD in their Equity Action Plan.


The Evaluation Committee primarily assists the Equity Office in performing quality checks on departmental Equity Assessments. Through this, they ensure departments are being thorough and responsive in their completed Assessments. This work is scheduled to be done again in June 2019. For January and February of 2019, they will be working with the Office to create a guide to help departments ensure their budget requests are advancing equity.

Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Advisory

The Neighborhood Housing and Community Development (NHCD) Advisory Committee will work with NHCD Staff to build relationships with community, and ensure they are exposed to the lived experience of displacement and gentrification in their decision-making processes.