ProjectDox Upgrade Completed: ProjectDox version 9.4 is now live. This upgrade primarily affected the backend of the system while replacing the current viewer with a new file viewer for better functionality and enhanced user experience.
The City of Austin Development Services Department began rolling out ProjectDox to Residential Expedited Building Plan Review customers on April 1, 2024. This cloud-based software provides an electronic plan review system that will simplify, streamline, and improve your review process. Expedited Commercial Review is currently using it and it may be expanded to more workgroups in the future.
The Development Services Department's ProjectDox system is an electronic plan and document management system. This software provides an interactive review process for applicants and City reviewers to communicate and complete the entire plan review process online.
Expedited Plan Review - Commercial
Expedited Commercial Building Plan Review uses ProjectDox and requires all plan submissions through this system. For instructions on how to submit your application, visit the Expedited Building Plan Review webpage.
Expedited Plan Review - Residential
Expedited Residential Building Plan Review will soon begin using ProjectDox on a limited basis. Contact Rene Lopez for more information on how to participate in this pilot program.
- Applicant Quick Guide
- Guide to New 9.4 File Viewer
- For more information about development forms and applications, visit the Forms and Applications webpage.
For further assistance, contact your project coordinator.