Ceramics ' Textile ' Drawing & Painting

Darkroom at the Dougherty Arts Center

The goal of the Darkroom Photography Program is to provide an enriching and rewarding experience for the photography student by providing professional staff available to guide you in class. 5 Omega D2 enlargers; ability to print from 35mm through 4x5, 1 Super Chromega D enlarger. Film development available as well as print black & white fiber or RC prints up to 16"x20".

Our darkroom classes are organized to help you learn how to use a manual film camera, develop film and make your own unique darkroom prints. For beginners or advanced professionals; we have different opportunities for students interested in using our darkroom.

Questions? Call 512-974-4040

Class List and Registration Page

Meet The Instructors

Photo of Holly Findlater

Holly Findlater

Holly earned her B.F.A at the University of Washington, Seattle and studied in the Digital Arts and New Media Graduate Program at University of California, Santa Cruz. She is a multimedia artist working in photography, sound, video, and installation. She believes in the magic of the darkroom and is inspired by light and sound waves; the material evidence of the passage of time; and the beauty of time’s effects on the structures and environments we manifest and inhabit.  Austin is her new home, and she is excited to share her knowledge of art with others.

View inside of the darkroom at the Dougherty Arts Center