code interpretation library

The Code Interpretation Library provides useful information on how the City interprets and applies certain regulations in the Land Development Code (Title 25 of the City Code), including site development and subdivision regulations, as well as technical (construction) codes.

Code Interpretations

Frequently Asked Questions
Archived Interpretations
Contact Form


Code Interpretations by Topic


CI2021-0001 - Accessible Routes of Travel and Parking Materials

PM2021-0001 - No Step Threshold

PM2021-0002 - Family or Assisted Use Toilet and Bathing Rooms

Accessory Dwelling Unit CI2021-0011 - Size Limitations for Accessory Dwelling Units
Dwelling Units

CI2021-0010 - Dwelling Unit Components

PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code

PM2024-0003 - Residential Breezeways Between Dwelling Units


PM2023-0002 - Meeting Room Floor Outlets

CI2023-0003 - Balcony Receptacle Outlets

Exceptions CI2023-0001 - Shed Roof Exception
Fire CI2021-0006 - Location of Emergency Shut Off Valve for Gas to Stove Hoods

CI2021-0004 - Registers for Balancing Dampers

CI2021-0005 - Fan-Powered Terminal Units

CI2021-0007 - Automatic Shut Off for Air Moving Equipment in Existing Buildings

PM2024-0004 - A2L Refrigerants

Manufactured Housing

CI2023-0005 - Manufactured Housing

Mixed-Use CI2021-0002 - Permitting of Mixed-Use and Multiple Occupancy Buildings 
Mobile Cell Sites CI2023-0004 - Mobile Cell Sites Permitting Requirements
Multifamily CI2023-0003 - Balcony Receptacle Outlets
NCCD CI2021-0012-BOA - Parking Calculations in the North University NCCD

CI2021-0001 - Accessible Routes of Travel and Parking Materials

CI2021-0012-BOA - Parking Calculations in the North University NCCD


CI2021-0002 - Permitting of Mixed-Use and Multiple Occupancy Buildings 

PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code

Pipe Installation CI2021-0009 - Trenching, Excavation, Bedding, and Backfilling of Piping

CI2021-0003 - Installation of Composting Toilets

PM2022-0001 - Provent and Sovent Type DWV Systems

PM2023-0001 - Medical Gas Permit and Verifier

PM2024-0001 - Disinfection and Flushing of Building Potable Water Systems (1/10/24)

Single-Family CI2023-0005 - Manufactured Housing
Specialized Certifications PM2021-0003 - Worker Protection Standards – Applicability
Subchapter F CI2023-0001 - Shed Roof Exception
Swimming Pools CI2021-0008 - Mechanical and Pool Equipment in Required Yards

PM2024-0005 - Considerations for Removing a Protected Tree

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Code Interpretations by Code Section

Land Development Code (LDC) – Title 25
(Excluding Chapter 25-12 Technical Codes)

Chapter 25-1 – General Requirements and Procedures Article 2 – Definitions CI2021-0010 - Dwelling Unit Components
    CI2023-0004 - Mobile Cell Sites Permitting Requirements
    CI2023-0005 - Manufactured Housing
Chapter 25-2 – Zoning Subchapter C – Use and Development Regulations CI2021-0008 - Mechanical and Pool Equipment in Required Yards
    CI2021-0011 - Size Limitations for Accessory Dwelling Units
    CI2023-0004 - Mobile Cell Sites Permitting Requirements
    CI2023-0005 - Manufactured Housing
  Subchapter F – Residential Design and Compatibility Standards CI2021-0011 - Size Limitations for Accessory Dwelling Units
    CI2023-0001 - Shed Roof Exception
Chapter 25-5 – Site Plans

Article 1 - Site Plans Generally

PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code
Chapter 25-6 – Transportation Article 7 – Off-street Parking and Loading CI2021-0012-BOA - Parking Calculations in the North University NCCD

Chapter 25-8 - Environment

Subchapter B - Tree and Natural Area Protection; Endangered Species

PM2024-0005 - Considerations for Removing a Protected Tree


Land Development Code (LDC) – Chapter 25-12 Technical Codes
(Including local amendments for relative adopted year)

International Building Code (IBC) 2015 CI2021-0001 - Accessible Routes of Travel and Parking Materials
    CI2021-0002 - Permitting of Mixed-Use and Multiple Occupancy Buildings 
    PM2021-0002 - Family or Assisted Use Toilet and Bathing Rooms

PM2024-0001 - Disinfection and Flushing of Building Potable Water Systems

PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code

PM2024-0003 - Residential Breezeways Between Dwelling Units

International Existing Building Code (IEBC) 2015 CI2021-0007 - Automatic Shut Off for Air Moving Equipment in Existing Buildings
International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2015 CI2021-0004 - Registers for Balancing Dampers
International Residential Code (IRC) 2021

CI2021-0010 - Dwelling Unit Components

PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code

PM2024-0003 - Residential Breezeways Between Dwelling Units

    CI2023-0005 - Manufactured Housing
National Electric Code (NEC) 2020 PM2023-0002 - Meeting Room Floor Outlets
    CI2023-0003 - Balcony Receptacle Outlets
Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) 2015 CI2021-0004 - Registers for Balancing Dampers
    CI2021-0005 - Fan-Powered Terminal Units
    CI2021-0007 - Automatic Shut Off for Air Moving Equipment in Existing Buildings
  2024 PM2024-0004 - A2L Refrigerants (8/15/24)
Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) 2000/2003 UPC Answers and Analysis Manual CI2021-0009 - Trenching, Excavation, Bedding, and Backfilling of Piping
  2012 CI2021-0003 - Installation of Composting Toilets
  2015 CI2021-0006 - Location of Emergency Shut Off Valve for Gas to Stove Hoods
    CI2021-0009 - Trenching, Excavation, Bedding, and Backfilling of Piping
  2021 PM2022-0001 - Provent and Sovent Type DWV Systems
    PM2024-0001 - Disinfection and Flushing of Building Potable Water Systems


Additional Codes:

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)


PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code

PM2024-0003 - Residential Breezeways Between Dwelling Units

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2024 PM2024-0001 - Disinfection and Flushing of Building Potable Water Systems
International Mechanical Code (IMC) 2015 CI2021-0004 - Registers for Balancing Dampers
    CI2021-0005 - Fan-Powered Terminal Units
International Plumbing Code (IPC) 2015 CI2021-0009 - Trenching, Excavation, Bedding, and Backfilling of Piping
NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities Code 2021 PM2023-0001 - Medical Gas Permit and Verifier

Underwriters Laboratories (UL)


PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code

PM2024-0003 - Residential Breezeways Between Dwelling Units


City Code (Non-Title 25)

Title 4 – Business Regulations and Permit Requirements Chapter 18 – General Permitting Standards PM2021-0003 - Worker Protection Standards – Applicability
Title 5 – Civil Rights Chapter 5-1 – Housing Discrimination PM2021-0001 - No Step Threshold


Ordinances (Uncodified)

North University Neighborhood Conservation Combing District (NCCD), Ordinance No. 040826-58 CI2021-0012-BOA - Parking Calculations in the North University NCCD

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Code Interpretations by Year


PM2024-0001 - Disinfection and Flushing of Building Potable Water Systems

PM2024-0002 - Modification Criteria for Review of Triplexes Under the International Residential Code (4/29/24)

PM2024-0003 - Residential Breezeways Between Dwelling Units (5/29/24)

PM2024-0004 - A2L Refrigerants

PM2024-0005 - Considerations for Removing a Protected Tree


CI2023-0001 - Shed Roof Exception (4/21/23) 

CI2023-0003 - Balcony Receptacle Outlets (5/26/23)

CI2023-0004 - Mobile Cell Sites Permitting Requirements (6/7/23)

CI2023-0005 - Manufactured Housing (8/30/2023)

PM2023-0001 - Medical Gas Permit and Verifier (2/28/23)

PM2023-0002 - Meeting Room Floor Outlets (4/11/23)

2022 PM2022-0001 - Provent and Sovent Type DWV Systems (2/22/22)

CI2021-0011 - Size Limitations for Accessory Dwelling Units (7/1/21)

CI2021-0012-BOA - Parking Calculations in the North University NCCD (10/1/21)

2019 PM2021-0003 - Worker Protection Standards – Applicability (10/1/21)
2018 CI2021-0010 - Dwelling Unit Components (10/1/21)
2015 CI2021-0009 - Trenching, Excavation, Bedding, and Backfilling of Piping (10/1/21)

CI2021-0004 - Registers for Balancing Dampers (10/1/21)

CI2021-0005 - Fan-Powered Terminal Units (10/1/21)

CI2021-0006 - Location of Emergency Shut Off Valve for Gas to Stove Hoods (10/1/21)

CI2021-0007 - Automatic Shut Off for Air Moving Equipment in Existing Buildings (10/1/21)

CI2021-0008 - Mechanical and Pool Equipment in Required Yards (10/1/21)

PM2021-0002 - Family or Assisted Use Toilet and Bathing Rooms (10/1/21)

2013 PM2021-0001 - No Step Threshold (10/1/21)

CI2021-0002 - Permitting of Mixed-Use and Multiple Occupancy Buildings (10/1/21)

CI2021-0003 - Installation of Composting Toilets (10/1/21)

2011 CI2021-0001 - Accessible Routes of Travel and Parking Materials (10/1/21)

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are “code interpretations,” “policy memos,” and “rules”?
  • A “code interpretation” is a formal memo explaining how the City interprets and applies regulations in the Land Development Code (LDC). Code interpretations are appropriate if:
    • A regulation can be read in different ways; and 
    • Providing clarification would benefit broad categories of development, rather just a specific project or permit application.
  • A “policy memo” is less formal and used to provide updates or explanations on administrative process, rather than interpretations of the LDC.
  • An “administrative rule” is a regulation adopted by an individual department and codified in a criteria manual, like the Environmental, Drainage, or Transportation criteria manuals.  Unlike a code interpretation or policy memo, administrative rules adopt requirements implementing the LDC and are subject to procedures specified in City Code Chapter 1-2 (Adoption of Rules). Administrative rules can be found on the MuniCode website.
What is the “Code Interpretation Library”?

The Library catalogs code interpretations the City uses as an aid to applying regulations governing site development, subdivision, and technical (construction) codes included in the LDC.  The Library also provides departmental policy memos that address the process by which development applications are reviewed and approved.  The library is organized by topic, code section, and date.

DSD maintains the Code Interpretation Library in consultation with other City departments involved in administering site development regulations.  New interpretations are posted as they’re issued, and the site will be updated regularly to include older interpretations based on ongoing review.

How can I request a code interpretation?

Written code interpretations like those included in this library, are optional tools intended to provide greater clarity for those involved in or affected by the development process. Obtaining a code interpretation is never required to submit a development application, nor is every LDC requirement covered by a written interpretation.

A code interpretation may be requested by City staff or members of the public seeking clarification on LDC regulations administered by DSD.

To request a code interpretation, members of the public may submit this form.
The request should include the following information:

  • A list of the LDC section(s) for which a code interpretation is requested;
  • The reasons why the requestor believes a code interpretation is necessary in order to clarify the listed LDC section(s);
  • Examples, if the requestor is aware of any,of how the code section(s) have been interpreted or applied; and
  • Any additional information the requestor believes is relevant to the proper interpretation of the listed LDC section(s).
How does DSD issue code interpretations?

Upon receiving a request for a code interpretation, the Building Official or Development Officer will issue an interpretation within 60 calendar days or explain why an interpretation will not be issued.  DSD’s decision not to issue an interpretation is final.

DSD may also issue code interpretations on its own initiative.  All interpretations, whether issued in response to a request or at the City’s initiative, will be emailed to the DSD Listserve and Community Registry and published on the Code Interpretation Library.

For general questions about the process, submit this form.

What is the effect of a code interpretation?   

Once a code interpretation is issued, DSD will follow the interpretation unless Council amends the LDC section(s) for which the interpretation was issued or DSD determines that an interpretation was issued in error.  If a code interpretation is determined to conflict with the Land Development Code (LDC) or other applicable regulation, the LDC controls over the code interpretation.


Archived Interpretations

Archived interpretations are provided for historical reference and are not applicable to projects subject to more recent regulations.

  • CI2018-0425 - Components of a Habitable Attic
  • CI2023-0002 - Public Pool Definition and Restroom Requirements

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