Agave Neighborhood Park is located at 5900 Sendero Hills Pkwy, Austin, TX 78724. It currently includes a playground, shade trees, a drinking fountain and two shade pavilions over picnic tables.
Project Description
The Agave Park playground was identified as lacking shade in highly used areas of the playground. To maximize the amount of shade for the existing playground, a large shade canopy is proposed to reduce the temperatures of metal play equipment and lessen UV rays on users while actively playing.
Anticipated Schedule
- January 2025: Public notification and yard signs posted at park.
- Early February 2025: Closure of playground and start of construction activities.
- March 2025: Completion of shade installation and re-opening of playground.
As in any construction project, schedules are projected as accurately as possible, but all dates are subject to change due to the permitting, construction delays, and weather.
Community Engagement
PARD will provide yard signs at the park one month in advance of the playground closing to inform and notify the community. Additional outreach will be made via social media and surrounding neighborhood groups to share project schedules. The project webpage will be updated periodically through construction to provide information and completion dates.
The project is funded by a 2023 City Council Budget Amendment to provide shade in parks to increase heat resiliency and provide comfortable use of amenities.
Contact Information
For questions or more information, please contact PARD Project Manager James Wheeler by email.