The Austin Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) is exploring future options for the Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex (MYEC). The current contract between the City of Austin, Austin Rosewood Community Development Corporation (ARCDC), and ASM Global, the company managing MYEC is set to expire in 2024. PARD is seeking to break down barriers and build trust among the various stakeholders and community members around MYEC as PARD explores how to proceed beyond 2023. City Council District 1

Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex sign


MYEC is a 55,000-square-foot, City-owned and funded facility located in East Austin. The Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex (MYEC or Millennium) was constructed in 1999 on the former site of the Rosewood Shopping Center in East Austin. A collaboration between the City of Austin, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Austin Rosewood Community Development Corporation, the Millennium was created to provide a safe, recreational environment for local youth.

Community leaders and citizens (deemed Promise Keepers) worked diligently to contribute to the project and have continued to promote its existence as a staple in the Rosewood District. The Millennium is dedicated to the memories of Tamika Ross (1976–1992) and Juan Cotera (1973–1996). While their deaths served as an inspiration for the building, today their spirits represent hope for the future and the promise of peace in the surrounding community.

The mission of the MYEC is to provide a safe, secure, and comfortable environment (free from drugs, gangs, crime, and violence) where families can enjoy a wide range of affordable, high-quality recreational and entertainment activities and attractions.

The facility’s construction was funded by a $8,875,000 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 108 loan. HUD required the City to form a board to manage the construction of the facility in order to receive this funding. To satisfy HUD requirements, the Austin City Council created the Austin Rosewood Community Development Corporation (ARCDC) in 1995. The City fully paid back the loan to HUD in 2016.

Project Description

The Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) in cooperation with ARCDC is engaging MYEC stakeholders and community members to ensure robust opportunities for participation. As the City of Austin considers the future contractual relationship with ARCDC, this process should develop a vision for the future of the MYEC that identifies key interests and concerns of the community, the mission of the MYEC, and possible improvements needed to fulfill the vision. As part of the process, the community input will inform a future solicitation for the management of the MYEC.


  • Reconnect or connect with interested community leaders and stakeholders.
  • Understand the views of the participants in response to an issue or project.
  • Gather ideas about what elements the community wants to see in the MYEC.
  • Identify shared values represented in the MYEC and the role it plays for the community.
  • Generate a plan for future and ongoing periodic community engagement opportunities for revisiting and updating the community desires and role of the MYEC.

Anticipated Timeline

  1. Connect, Gather Community Ideas and Feedback: May to July 2023
    1. Small group discussions
    2. Community survey and pop-ups at MYEC
  2. Recommendations: August to September 2023
    1. Small group discussions (follow-up to previous ones)
    2. Priorities survey and pop-ups at MYEC

Community Engagement

Community Survey (closed August 14): view results


  • May 27, 2023 at Millennium
  • June 9, 2023 at Mendez Recreation Center
  • July 9, 2023 at St. James Missionary Baptist Vendor Fair

Community Conversations
Millennium Youth Entertainment Complex
1164 Hargrave St.
Austin, TX 78702
Thursday, July 27, 6 p.m.

Contact Information

For more information, contact Justin Schneider, Community Engagement Consultant, by email or phone at 512-975-6572.