2010 Meetings: Page 3 of 10
2010 Meetings: Planning Commission
Meeting documents are also available for:
September 13, 2010
Committee on the Comprehensive Plan Meeting
Approved Minutes(59KB)
August 31, 2010
Committee on Neighborhood Planning Meeting - The August 18, 2010 meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum; therefore, this meeting was scheduled to move items forward to Planning Commission.
Agenda - Special Called Meeting(15KB)
Approved Minutes(21KB)
August 24, 2010
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(23KB)
Backup - 1507 E. Cesar Chavez Parking Lot(199KB)
Backup - 1507 E. Cesar Chavez Parking Lot - Map(101KB)
Backup - 1901 S. Lamar Rezoning(368KB)
Backup - 909 Congress(8KB)
Backup - E. Cesar Chavez Parking Lot (Citizen Comment)(49KB)
Backup - EP Austin(8KB)
Backup - Item 7 Reinli Rezone (Revised Page) (37KB)
Backup - Mitchell Hyde Park Rezone(9KB)
Backup - Reinli Rezone(602KB)
Backup - Resubdivision of South 1/2 of Lot 19, Banister Heights(162KB)
Backup - Shoal Creek Blvd.(460KB)
Backup - The Domain Restrictive Covenant Amendment(396KB)
Backup - The Domain Rezoning-Endeavor(623KB)
Backup - The Domain Rezoning-Simon(825KB)
August 18, 2010 (Cancelled)
Committee on Neighborhood Planning Meeting
Cancellation Notice(21KB)
August 17, 2010
Committee on Codes and Ordinances Meeting
Revised Agenda(15KB)
Revised Agenda - 2nd Revised Agenda(15KB)
Revised Agenda - 3rd Revised agenda(15KB)
Approved Minutes(41KB)
August 10, 2010
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(21KB)
Backup - Cabot-Chase, Ltd - Postponement Ltr.(223KB)
Backup - Cabot-Chase, Ltd.(676KB)
Backup - Clawson Multifamily(286KB)
Backup - Clawson Multifamily - Citizen Comment(111KB)
Backup - Clawson Multifamily - Map(341KB)
Backup - Imagine Austin - Additional support material(307KB)
Backup - Imagine Austin - Handout(302KB)
Backup - Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan Vision Statement(4.2MB)
Backup - Item 1 Imagine Austin - Motion Sheet(59KB)
Backup - Resubdivision of Mueller Section V, Block 31(323KB)
Backup - Revised Bylaws(298KB)
Backup - Rosewood Village Section 7, Block B, Replat of Lot 1 & Lot 7, Block B of the Resubdivision(326KB)
Backup - The Domain Rezoning-Endeavor(851KB)
Backup - The Domain Rezoning-Simon(1.1MB)
Backup - Westend Bistro(741KB)
August 9, 2010
Committee on the Comprehensive Plan Meeting
Approved Minutes(54KB)
July 27, 2010
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(40KB)
Approved Minutes - Item 2 Historic Preservation Code Amendment(12KB)
Backup - 601 W. 17th Street Rezoning(357KB)
Backup - 909 Congress(8KB)
Backup - Callan-Boswell House(184KB)
Backup - Callan-Boswell House - Letter from Neighborhood(2.0MB)
Backup - Callan-Boswell House - Letter from owner(16KB)
Backup - Callan-Boswell House Ltr from citizen(66KB)
Backup - Castle Hill Local Historic District(1.4MB)
Backup - Dwelling Unit Occupancy Limits(20KB)
Backup - Historic Preservation Code Amendment(14KB)
Backup - Imagine Austin additional backup(67KB)
Backup - Imagine Austin Additional back-up(245KB)
Backup - Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan Vision Statement & Plan Amendments(2.8MB)
Backup - Item 2 Historic Preservation Code Amendment (Motion Sheet)(12KB)
Backup - Mueller Section 2 Revision 2 (92KB)
Backup - Resubdivision of Lot 1B, Block B, Mueller Section 1, Phase A(130KB)
Backup - Resubdivision of Lot 3-B of the Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 14, Westfield A(1.4MB)
Backup - West Park PUD(30KB)
2010 Meetings: Page 3 of 10
Page updated: 1/10/2025