Formal complaint: Acts bringing discredit upon the department
Complainant alleges officer illegally parked to take a meal break. Office of Police Oversight recommend that this allegation receive a B classification.
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CITY OF AUSTIN OFFICE OF NOTICE OF FORMAL POLICE OVERSIGHT COMPLAINT FOUNDED 1839 ICMS #: 2019-0738 Date of Complaint: 7/18/2019 Complaint: Patrol car was parked with lights flashing at corner of 10th and Congress right beside a fire hydrant. Officer was inside the Quiznos sandwich shop sitting at a table eating lunch. Additional information: A video was submitted by the complainant. Administrative Policy to Review: 900.3.2 Acts Bringing Discredit Upon the Department a. Employees will not commit any act which tends to destroy public confidence in, and respect for, the Department or which is prejudicial to the good order, efficiency, or discipline of the Department. Recommended Classification: The OPO is permitted to make a preliminary recommendation on the classification of administrative cases. The OPO recommends that this allegation receive a B classification. UNDED 1839 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request.