City of Austin
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport media statement - Sept. 7 power outage
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) experienced a power outage in the main Barbara Jordan Terminal today at approximately 4:30 a.m. Department of Aviation, TSA and airline operations were impacted and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a ground stop for all arriving and departing flights at approximately 5:30 a.m.
As Austin Energy technicians responded to the power outage, Austin Police Department and the Department of Aviation closed off roadways into and out of the airport as passengers could not be processed and flights could not take off.
Austin Energy restored power to the terminal at approximately 7:30 a.m. and the FAA ground stop was lifted once airline ticket counter operations resumed following a network outage after the power restoration. Normal Department of Aviation and TSA operations have since resumed and all airport roadways have reopened. Airlines continue to make adjustments to their operations and flight schedules.
Austin Energy determined the cause of the outage was due to malfunctioning underground equipment (read Austin Energy's full statement here).
Throughout the morning and the rest of today, AUS recommends passengers check with their airline regarding flight status for both arriving and departing flights.
AUS is extremely grateful to Austin Energy and the Austin Police Department for their combined effort in getting airport operations back to normal and providing important, timely information to staff and passengers. AUS thanks our passengers for their patience and willingness to work with our staff inside and outside of the terminal.