
OPO published two objections to APD in 2020.

General Orders Objection: General Order 903

On April 8, 2020, OPO submitted an objection to March 16, 2020, changes made by APD to General Order 903. These changes reduced the discipline level for policy violations related to body-worn cameras and dash-camera systems. OPO objected to APD’s changes because they undermine the discipline process by downplaying significant policy violations. Click here (PDF, 733 KB) for the entire OPO objection.

Investigation and Discipline Objection: Notice of Formal Recommendations Related to Complaint #2019–1402

In October 2020, OPO published an objection and recommendations related to the investigation and discipline decisions regarding a community complaint. Once the investigation into this complaint was complete, and discipline had been issued, OPO made specific recommendations to APD supervisors to ensure fairness and accountability. Further, in response to issues that arose during the investigation, OPO made specific recommendations for how APD investigators could improve their interactions with community members while investigating complaints. Click here for the complete OPO objection.