The goal is to protect yards, trees, buildings and infrastructure by stabilizing the stream banks. The project includes the following:
- Stabilization of the creek to prevent loss of land and fences from erosion
- Enhance native vegetation along the stream banks
- Restore the natural function of the stream
- New landscaping and planting throughout the project area

The project is located on the Eubank Tributary to Walnut Creek between Eubank Drive and Lamar Boulevard, from North Bend Drive to Walnut Creek.

Status and Timeline
Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:
- Feasibility Study – when information is collected to identify potential solutions.
- Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
- Design – when the details are worked out and construction plans drawn up.
- Bidding and Permitting – when a contractor is hired and all permits are acquired.
- Construction – when the project is built.
This project is currently in the Design Phase. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.
Ingrid Tower, Project Lead, 512-974-6326, or send an email to Ingrid Tower.