Watershed Protection has received several flooding complaints of homes, yards and streets in this area. The type of flooding occurring in this neighborhood is known as local flooding. It generally occurs away from creeks. It occurs when the drainage system is overwhelmed by heavy rainfall. In this neighborhood, most stormwater is conveyed by storm drains, ditches/channels and streets to the Comburg detention pond.
The project will be designed and constructed in smaller phases. Each phase will be designed and constructed as separate projects. Our consultant is developing the design for Phase 1, which includes:
- Expansion of the Comburg detention pond to increase its capacity,
- Relocation of the channel on the northeast side of the pond from the middle to the back of private property. This provides residents with increased access to their property and allows for increased channel capacity. A new stormdrain will be installed to connect Comburg Drive to the channel.
- Installation of a section of stormdrain on Comburg Drive.
- Relocation of a wastewater line on Sedgemoor to allow enough space for drainage and wastewater infrastructure.

Flood Survey
Please tell us about your experiences with flooding through our online form. There is an option to send flood photos at the end of the form. Please have any photos that you'd like to share ready to upload before filling out the form. This will help us design the most effective solution.
Status and Timeline
Our capital improvement projects take many years from start to finish. The process typically includes the following phases:
- Preliminary Engineering – when a solution is identified and costs are estimated.
- Design – when the details are worked out and construction plans drawn up.
- Bidding and Permitting – when a contractor is hired and all permits are acquired.
- Construction – when the project is built.
Phase 1 is currently in design and is expected to last two years. Construction is anticipated to begin in late 2026.
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