Senior Transportation Service Map

Types of Services and Fees
Senior Transportation reservations will be taken over phone only. and will be on a first come first served basis.
Medical Appointments (non-emergency/routine appointment): Destinations include general/specialty doctor, dentist, etc.; surgical procedures are classified as an emergency. FEE: FREE / $1.00 donation optional
Regular Routes / Lunch Program: Service from your door to the nearest PARD Senior Congregate Meal (partnered by Meals on Wheels Central Texas) location and back home. FEE: FREE / $1.00 donation optional
Reserve-a-Ride: Door-to-door service to /from requested destination within the Austin city limits. FEE: $3.00 each destination
Reserve-a-Ride Types:
- Errands (non-medical): Destinations include grocery store, shopping centers, bank, hair salon, etc.
- Group Travel: Group excursion/field trip travel to destinations within Austin city limits. Groups must have minimum of 7 riders. FEE: $6.00 per rider
How to Apply
- Riders Guide
Senior Transportation Program Riders’ Guide
- Senior Transportation Registration
Printable Application Link
- Title VI Information
Title VI Complaint Informational Flyer
To file a Title VI complaint electronically please use the link below: