AFD is responsible for conducting annual inspections of multi-family residences, commercial properties and licensed facilities.

Annual Maintenance Inspections

There are a number of commercial and retail spaces within the City of Austin that receive regular fire and life-safety inspections. The Department also ensures that fire protection systems (sprinklers, alarms, elevators, etc.) receive an annual inspection by an independent third-party contractor (this is a state requirement enforced by local municipalities).

Adoption and Foster Home Inspections

To schedule an inspection for an adoption or foster home, please submit your request here:

-Foster and Adoption Home Inspection Online Request Form-

State Licensed Facility Inspections

Some occupancies, such as daycares, health care and institutional occupancies, and schools, require a more specific inspection.

Submit your request here and you will be contacted by our office:

-Facility Licensure and Maintenance Inspections Online Request Form-

Multi-Family Residential

AFD inspects all multi-family residential occupancies within the City. Due to the unique risks posed by multi-family residential structures, AFD has made them a priority for regular fire and life-safety inspections. These inspections are done by firefighting crews during their shifts and are often referred to as "in-service inspections". AFD conducts more than 12,000 in-service inspections each year.