Temporary Concession Permits

Concession approvals (permits) are required and issued to applicants for commercial activity requests (vending, merchandise sales, etc) in the park system.  Concession permits are issued at stand-alone park locations where short-term or single day concession needs arise that benefit an activity or the public at the requested park location.

  • Concession permits are NOT issued for vendors to vend outside or near permitted special events where organizers typically coordinate vendors inside their permitted grounds and spaces.

Current Opportunities:

First Come First Serve – Spring and Fall Permit Terms

Spring Season - March through August (Applications accepted beginning January)

Fall Season - September through February (Applications accepted beginning July)


All applications must be submitted through email to: Gergo Perlaky / Gergo.perlaky@austintexas.gov

Please Note: Temporary Concessions availability may change based on Local Orders and City Department guidelines.


Permit Types/Fees

1. Temporary Concession Permits

  • Food, Beverage and Recreation Merchandise ($500-$1500/6-month period) The fee for operating for six months at a district or metropolitan park is $1,500 (district or larger) and $500 (other parks) for all other parks at approved applications. The fees will be paid in full at the time of contract execution.
  • Boating - Walsh Boat Landing (prices vary) See Walsh Boat Landing guidelines.                  

2. Single Day Concession Permits ($50/day) The Parks and Recreation Department issues single day permits to vendors wishing to set up at (or outside of) a place in a park for a short-term event purpose.

3. Performing Artists in the Parks ($10/day) Performing artists are allowed to entertain in the parks provided they are registered with and approved by the Parks and Recreation Department.  The fee for performing artists is $10 per day, and permits may be purchased in two-week increments. Individuals wishing to perform as artists or entertainers in the park must adhere to the following rules.  


Online Resources for all Applicants:


Other Concession Permit Information: