2018 Meetings: Page 2 of 5
2018 Meetings: Planning Commission
Meeting documents are also available for:
August 14, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Agenda Addendum - Added Case SP-2017-0206C (153KB)
Agenda Addendum - Addition of Item to nominate a member to Joint Sustainability Committee(148KB)
Approved Minutes(430KB)
Play video - August 14, 2018 Planning Commission
Backup - Addendum Item C-23 (SP-2017-0206C - 913 Duncan Multifamily; District 9).pdf(6.2MB)
Backup - Item C-01 (NPA-2017-0016.05 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(4.8MB)
Backup - Item C-01 (WITHDRAWN NPA-2017-0016.05 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(33KB)
Backup - Item C-02 (C14-2017-0106 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(1.8MB)
Backup - Item C-02 (Withdrawn C14-2017-0106 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(37KB)
Backup - Item C-03 (NPA-2018-0001.01 - Alpine Road; District 3).pdf(3.8MB)
Backup - Item C-04 (C14-2018-0039 - Alpine Road Rezoning; District 3).pdf(1.7MB)
Backup - Item C-05 (NPA-2018-0026.02 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(5.1MB)
Backup - Item C-06 (C14-2018-0024 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(2.2MB)
Backup - Item C-07 (C14-2015-00262.01 Met Campus PDA Amendment; District 2).pdf(560KB)
Backup - Item C-08 (C10-V-82-033(RCT) - Caruth Administration Center (AISD Site); District 9).pdf(3.7MB)
Backup - Item C-09 (C14-2018-0063 - Phoenix & Dragon, District 1).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-10 (C20-2018-002 Administrative Services Use).pdf(1.6MB)
Backup - Item C-11 (C8-2017-0085.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 1 Bertha Ferguson Subdivision; District 1).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-12 (C8-207-0086.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 4 Bertha Ferguson Subdivision; District 1).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-13 (C8-2017-0221.0A - Resubdivision of South 74 Feet of Lot 18, Block 1, Crest Haven Addition; District 1).pdf(1.8MB)
Backup - Item C-14 (C8-2017-0143.0A - Penn Heights Two; District 1).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-15 (SPC-2017-0186C - Shipe Neighborhood Pool Facility Improvements; District 9).pdf(2.0MB)
Backup - Item C-16 (SPC-2017-0165C - Govalle Neighborhood Park Renovations; District 3).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-17 (SPC-2015-0111A(R1) - Austin Classical School; District 7).pdf(3.1MB)
Backup - Item C-18 (C8-2014-0238.01.1A - Ballantyne Section 2; District 7).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-19 (C8-2018-0114.0A - The East; District 9).pdf(941KB)
Backup - Item C-20 (C8-2018-0116.0A - Fredrick Road Acres, Resubdivision of Part of Lot 16 Block 2; District 5).pdf(947KB)
Backup - Item C-21 (C8-2018-0117.0A - Lary Addition, Re-Subdivision of Lot 2; District 3).pdf(994KB)
Backup - Item C-22 (C8-2018-0119.0A - 4201 Clawson Road; District 5).pdf(992KB)
Backup - Item D-01 (Code Amendment Title 30 (Austin - Travis County) Subdivision Regulations Regarding Sidewalks).pdf(688KB)
Backup - Item E-01 (Water Forward Presentation).pdf(3.8MB)
Backup - Item H-01 and H-02 (Joint Committee Membership).pdf(627KB)
July 24, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(378KB)
Play video - July 24, 2018 Planning Commission
Backup - Item C-01 (NPA-2017-0018.01 - Burnet Lane; District 7).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-02 (NPA-2017-0021.01 - East Riverside-Oltorf FLUM Amendment; District 3).pdf(977KB)
Backup - Item C-03 (NPA-2016-0014.01 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road; District 2).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-04 (C14-2017-0010 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road Rezoning; District 2).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-05 (C14H-2017-0129 - Vogtsberger-Duarte House; District 3).pdf(4.2MB)
Backup - Item C-06 (C14H-2018-0032 - Thomas and Jessie Ellison House; District 1).pdf(4.0MB)
Backup - Item C-07 (SPC-2017-0165C - Govalle Neighborhood Park Renovations).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-08 (SP-2017-0206C - 913 Duncan Multifamily; District 9).pdf(4.7MB)
Backup - Item C-09 (C8-2017-0113.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 5 Block 12 Habicht Addition of Outlot 34 Division B; District 1).pdf(1.3MB)
Backup - Item C-10 (C8-2018-0100.0A - Urban Yellow Jacket Subdivision; District 3).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-11 (C8-2018-0103.4A.SH - Mueller Gateway Subdivision; District 9).pdf(927KB)
Backup - Item C-12 (C8-2018-0108 - Mount Moriah Subdivision; District 1).pdf(967KB)
Backup - Item D-01 (DWPZ CIP Memo FY19-23).PDF(2.8MB)
Backup - Item E-01 (2018 Shoal Creek Trail Plan).pdf(10.2MB)
Backup - Item E-01 (Citizen Input).pdf(395KB)
Backup - Item F-01 (Code Amendment - Administrative Services).pdf(1.1MB)
July 10, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(390KB)
Play video - July 10, 2018 Planning Commission
Backup - Item C-01 (NPA-2018-0024.01 - Metric and 183; District 7).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-02 (NPA-2017-0016.03 - 3232 & 3306 E. Cesar Chavez Street; District 3).pdf(919KB)
Backup - Item C-03 (C14-2017-0138 - 3232 & 3306 E. Cesar Chavez Street; District 3).pdf(919KB)
Backup - Item C-04 (Neighbhorhood Correspondence).pdf(534KB)
Backup - Item C-04 (NPA-2018-0026.02 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(5.0MB)
Backup - Item C-05 (C14-2018-0024 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(2.1MB)
Backup - Item C-06 (C14-2018-0053 - Sales Inventory Lot for New and or Used Vehicles; District 2).pdf(2.3MB)
Backup - Item C-07 (C14-2018-0034 - Andy G's; District 3).pdf(1.7MB)
Backup - Item C-10 (C8-2017-0116.0A - Resubdivision of portions of Lots 5 and 6 Rector's Subdivision; District 1).pdf(1.2MB)
Backup - Item C-11 (C8-2017-0106.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 7D of the Resubdivision of Lot 7 Sam Huston Heights; District 1).pdf(1.3MB)
Backup - Item C-12 (C8-2018-0096.0A - Domain Lot D10 Subdivision; District 7).pdf(948KB)
Backup - Item C-13 (C8-2018-0097.0A - Holton Tillery Acres Subdivision; District 3).pdf(951KB)
Backup - Item C-14 (C8-04-0043.09.3A.SH - Berkman Tower View Subdivision; District 9).pdf(931KB)
Backup - Item C-15 (C8-04-0043.10.2A.SH - Mueller Section 1B-2 Subdivision; District 9).pdf(941KB)
Backup - Item D-01 (Local Historic Districts).pdf(7.7MB)
Backup - Item F-01 (Floodplain Regulations).pdf(2.1MB)
June 26, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(399KB)
Play video - June 26, 2018 Planning Commission
Backup - Item C-01 (NPA-2017-0018.01 - Burnet Lane; District 7).pdf(597KB)
Backup - Item C-02 (NPA-2017-0021.01 - East Riverside-Oltorf FLUM Amendment; District 3).pdf(534KB)
Backup - Item C-03 (C14-2015-0062.01 - Met Campus PDA Amendment; District 2).pdf(568KB)
Backup - Item C-04 (NPA-2017-0016.05 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(4.4MB)
Backup - Item C-05 (C14-2017-0106 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(1.2MB)
Backup - Item C-06 (NPA-2018-0026.01 - Austin Suites; District 4).pdf(6.0MB)
Backup - Item C-07 (C14-2018-0022 - Austin Suites; District 4).pdf(1.2MB)
Backup - Item C-07 (Educational Impact Statement).pdf(618KB)
Backup - Item C-08 (NPA-2018-0026.02 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(6.0MB)
Backup - Item C-08 REVISED (NPA-2018-0026.02 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(11.0MB)
Backup - Item C-09 (C14-2018-0024 - Powell Lane Apartments; District 4).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - Item C-10 (C14-2018-0001 - Metric and 183; District 7).pdf(532KB)
Backup - Item C-11 (C8-2017-0237.0A - Resubdivision Block 16 F.B. Foster Subdivision of Outlot 58 Division B; District 1).pdf(661KB)
Backup - Item C-12 (C8J-2017-0203 - Village at Northtown Section 3 Lot 5 Block C Preliminary Plan).pdf(2.0MB)
Backup - Item C-13 (SPC-2017-0266A - Flatiron; District 7).pdf(9.3MB)
Backup - Item C-14 (C8-88-0018.0A(VAC) - S-R Highland Subdivision, Lots 4 & 5 Amended; District 4).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-15 (C8-2018-0088.0A - Saint George; District 1).pdf(560KB)
Backup - Item C-16 (C8-2018-0089.0A - Banister Heights, Replat of Lots 25, 26 & 27; District 5).pdf(531KB)
Backup - Item C-17 (C8-2018-0092.0A - Riverside and Grove Subdivision; District 3).pdf(499KB)
Backup - Item D-01 (Kenny Exhibit).pdf(1.3MB)
Backup - Item D-01 (Long-Range Capital Improvement Program Strategic Plan).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item D-01 (Presentation).pdf(1.4MB)
June 12, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(436KB)
Play video - June 12, 2018 Planning Commission
Backup - Item C-01 (NP-2016-0031 - North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan; District 7).pdf(5.7MB)
Backup - Item C-02 (NPA-2016-0014.01 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road; District 2).pdf(604KB)
Backup - Item C-03 (C14-2017-0010 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road Rezoning; District 2).pdf(604KB)
Backup - Item C-04 (NPA-2018-0002.01.SH - Chalmers Court East, District 3).pdf(6.0MB)
Backup - Item C-05 (C14-2018-0050.SH - Chalmers Court East, District 3).pdf(2.1MB)
Backup - Item C-06 (C14-2018-0051.SH - Chalmers Court West, District 3).pdf(2.2MB)
Backup - Item C-07 (C20-2017-005 - Regulating Plan for the Plaza Saltillo TOD Station Area Plan).pdf(3.2MB)
Backup - Item C-08 (NPA-2017-0016.03 - 3232 & 3306 E. Cesar Chavez Street; District 3).pdf(918KB)
Backup - Item C-09 (C14-2017-0138 - 3232 & 3306 E. Cesar Chavez Street; District 3).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - Item C-09 (C14-2017-0138 - 3232 & 3306 E. Cesar Chavez Street; District 3).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - Item C-10 (NPA-2018-0026.01 - Austin Suites; District 4).pdf(6.2MB)
Backup - Item C-11 (C14-2018-0022 - Austin Suites; District 4).pdf(2.2MB)
Backup - Item C-12 (C14-2018-0033 - 10610 Macmora Road; District 4).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-13 (C14-2018-0005 - Lantana Block P, Lot 3; District 8).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-14 (C14-2018-0029 - ERS Zoning; District 1).pdf(6.2MB)
Backup - Item C-15 (C14-2018-0030 - Pure Yoga; District 9).pdf(2.9MB)
Backup - Item C-16 (C8-2017-0075.0A - Resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Marlo Heights Section 2; District 1).pdf(3.4MB)
Backup - Item C-16 (Pecan Springs Springdale Hills Neighborhood Assosiation).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-17 (C8-2017-0141.0A - Resubdivision of Portions of Lots 7 and 8, Belcher Resubdivision of Block 12 Greenwood Addition; District 1).pdf(1.2MB)
Backup - Item C-18 (C8-2017-0236.0A - Mission East; District 1).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-19 (C8-2016-0067.0A - Jerome Stark Subdivision, Resubdivision of Lot 2; District 5).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-20 (SPC-2018-0104A - Chicon Late Hours Restaurant; District 3).pdf(3.3MB)
Backup - Item C-21 (C8-2017-0169.0A - Resubdivision of a Portion of Lot 22, Block 1, Cresthaven Addition; D1).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-22 (C8-2017-0057.0A - Steelcreek Austin 183; District 1).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-23 (SP-2012-0302C(XT3) - Met Center II, Bldg 3, 4, & 10; District 2).pdf(2.0MB)
Backup - Item C-24 (C8J-2015-0255.5A - Easton Park Section 2B, Phase 2 Final Plat).pdf(4.0MB)
Backup - Item C-25 (C8-2018-0087.0A - Greyrock Ridge Phase Six; District 8).pdf(979KB)
Backup - Item C-26 (C8-2018-0081.0A - Lot A-2, Resubdivision of Lot A, Sellstrom-Spear Addition; District 10).pdf(1.2MB)
Backup - Item C-27 (C8-2018-0086.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 8, Block E Banister Acres Subdivision; District 5).pdf(1.4MB)
May 25, 2018
Special Called Meeting of the Planning Commission
Play video - May 25, 2018 Special Planning Commission
May 24, 2018
Special Called Meeting of the Planning Commission
Play video - May 24, 2018 Special Planning Commission
Backup - CodeNEXT - Anderson Exhibits.pdf(1.8MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - DeHoyosHart Exhibit.pdf(3.0MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Kazi Exhibit.pdf(683KB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Kazi Exhibit.pdf(82KB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Nuckols Exhibits.pdf(2.7MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT- Oliver Exhibit.pdf(644KB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Oliver Exhibits.pdf(499KB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Seeger Exhibits.pdf(651KB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Shaw Exhibits (Part 1).pdf(12.3MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Shaw Exhibits (Part 2).pdf(14.9MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Shaw Exhibits (Part 3).pdf(9.9MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - Shaw Exhibits (Part 4).pdf(213KB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - White Exhibits.pdf(2.7MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT- Kenny Exhibits.pdf(14.0MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT-Shieh Exhibit.pdf(1.7MB)
Backup - PC Transitions.pdf(125KB)
May 22, 2018
Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission
Approved Minutes(395KB)
Play video - May 22, 2018 Planning Commission
Play video - May 22, 2018 Planning Commission
Backup - ChairOliver-CodeNEXT_D3_PC-MASTER_18-0522 ONLY.pdf(1.3MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - McGraw - Super Duplexes 1.pdf(8.9MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - McGraw - Super Duplexes 2.pdf(11.5MB)
Backup - CodeNEXT - PARD - Planning Commission Review_Proposed Changes to 23-3B PARD Talking Points.pdf(92KB)
Backup - Item C-01 (C14-2015-0062.01 - Met Campus PDA Amendment; District 2).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-02 (NPA-2016-0014.01 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road; District 2).pdf(3.9MB)
Backup - Item C-03 (C14-2017-0010 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road Rezoning; District 2).pdf(2.3MB)
Backup - Item C-04 (NPA-2017-0016.05 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(6.0MB)
Backup - Item C-05 (C14-2017-0106 - Tillery MF; District 3).pdf(1.7MB)
Backup - Item C-06 (C14-2017-0148 - Eightfold; District 1).pdf(931KB)
Backup - Item C-07 (C14-2018-0047.SH - Pathways at Goodrich Place; District 5).pdf(3.8MB)
Backup - Item C-08 (C14-2018-0041 - 502 W. 12th Rezoning; District 9).pdf(3.2MB)
Backup - Item C-09 (C14-2018-0040 - 3400 Comsouth; District 2).pdf(1.6MB)
Backup - Item C-10 (C8-2017-0182.0A - Resubdivision of Block F of Met Center, Section 5; District 2).pdf(1.2MB)
Backup - Item C-11 (C8-2017-0225.0A - Resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 1, Crest Haven Addition; District 1).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - Item C-12 (C8-2017-0075.0A - Resubdivision of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Marlo Heights Section 2; District 1).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-13 (C8-2018-0075.0A - Domain South End District A Resubdivision of the Resubdivision of Lots 1; District 7).pdf(1.5MB)
Backup - Item C-14 (C8-2018-0074.0A - Jackie Robinson Subdivision; District 1).pdf(1.4MB)
Backup - Item C-15 (C8-2018-0073.0A - Post Road Addition, Resubdivision of lot 14, block 2; District 3).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-16 (C8-2018-0077.0A - Factory 512; District 2).pdf(1.1MB)
Backup - Item C-17 (C8-2018-0079.0A - ATX Eastside Prock Subdivision; District 3).pdf(1.0MB)
Backup - Item C-18 (F#9877-1709 Streets and Alley Vacation).pdf(3.6MB)
Backup - PC Item Numbers Grouped by Topic.pdf(134KB)
Backup - Planning Commission CodeNEXT Public Hearing RULES May 22nd.pdf(57KB)
2018 Meetings: Page 2 of 5
Page updated: 1/10/2025