Customer Relationship Management Gap Analysis

Scope: A Contact is received which triggers the Disposition CRM Use use case, to properly track the work requested by the Citizen. Alternatively, Issues are submitted directly to the system, bypassing the Disposition CRM Use use case. When an Issue is submitted the Intake Request for Service use case begins. The system provides multiple options to submit a ServiceRequest including via Mobile Application, Website, Social Media, etc. If the ServiceRequest interfaces with an external system the Create Service Request at Interfaced System use case begins, which sends a COAESBMessage to the Enterprise Service Bus to create the appropriate ServiceRequest in the interfaced system. The ServiceRequest is then completed by the CRM User through the Complete Assigned Work use case. The system provides multiple options to completing a ServiceRequest including through an interfaced system via the Enterprise Service Bus, or mobile device. Additionally, the system provides the CRM User with WorkRoutes, TrafficData, Dashboards, and ServiceRequestReports to facilitate completion of the ServiceRequest. After the ServiceRequest is completed the CRM User closes the ServiceRequest, and Citizens lookup the status of their ServiceRequest through the system.

311 Activity & Interaction Overview Diagrams

Add or Modify Client Service

Scope: A Client Department contacts Austin 311 with a ClientNeed, or Austin 311 identifies the ClientNeed internally. After the ClientNeed is identified, if the ClientNeed doesn't necessitate a change the Client Department is educated and the process stops. A ClientProposal is created if the ClientNeed requires a change. If the ClientNeed doesn't require Chain of Command approval the ClientProposal skips the Chain of Command approval phase. If the ClientProposal requires Chain of Command Approval the Obtain Chain of Command Approval for Client Proposal use case starts. The Chain of Command reviews the ClientProposal and determines if more information is required, additional resources are required, the project is cancelled, or further approval is necessary. If the project is cancelled the Add or Modify Client Service use case ends. If further approval is required, the Obtain Chain of Command Approval for Client Proposal use case restarts and the ClientProposal is reviewed by the higher level of the Chain of Command. The ClientProposal is reviewed by as many levels of the Chain of Command as necessary up to the Process Manager level at Austin 311. Once final Chain of Command Approval is acquired, the Gather Client Department Requirements use cases begins, and the ClientProject is created. The Client Management Team gathers Requirements with the Client Department. If the Requirements gathered modify the ClientProposal's scope then further Chain of Command approval is required. Once all Requirements are gathered the Client Management Team starts the Request 311 Services for Client Department use case. After all 311 services have been completed the Client Management Team starts the Execute Client Department Go Live use case. The Client Management Team coordinates the Client Department's go-live including creating/updating ServiceLevelAgreements, conducting go-live, gathering lessons learned (Feedback), and transitions the Client Department to an operational mode. After the go-live the ClientProject is completed and closed.

Conduct Mobile App Post Go-Live Tasks

Scope: After the production MobileAppAcceptanceCertificate is signed the Business Process Specialist notifies the Client Departments, updates the Client Department ServiceLevelAgreement to reflect new/modified services offered by Austin 311, and gathers Feedback from the Client Department. The Mobile App Lead conducts a lessons learned meeting with the internal team to gather Feedback. The Business Process presents any Feedback from the Client Department during the meeting. If the internal team identifies any Feedback theCreate Feedback Request and Triage use case is invoked. The Mobile App Lead completes and closes any approved MobileAppChangeRequests, and transitions any outstanding issues on the IssueLog to a MotorolaCase through the Vendor help-desk. Finally, the Chain of Command negotiates the next MobileAppGoLiveDate with the vendor.

Create Feedback Request and Triage

Scope: A Feedback Reporter requests a Feedback Submitter submits Feedback for Austin 311 or the City of Austin on their behalf. The Feedback Submitter creates a ServiceRequest311Feedback which is sent to the 311 Command Center. The 311 Command Center reviews the ServiceRequest311Feedback (identify severity, priority, timeliness, group responsible for resolution). If more information is required to resolve the ServiceRequest311Feedback the 311 Command Center notifies a Feedback Resource (Feedback Report or End User Department). The Feedback Resource provides additional information to the 311 Command Center. The process loops until the 311 Command Center is capable of determining the appropriate Resolution required.

Execute Client Department Go Live

Scope: After all services have been completed, the Client Management Team creates a ServiceLevelAgreement, or updates the ServiceLevelAgreement if one already exists for the Client Department. The Client Management Team meets with the CLient Department to review the ServiceLevelAgreement, services completed (ServiceRequestType, Website, ReferenceMaterial, etc.), and identify a go live date. After the go live date is identified the Client Management Team sends Notification of the go live date. The Client Management Team requests the 311 Command Center notify 311 staff of the go live date. The Client Management Team coordinates the go live by monitoring ServiceRequests, running Reports, and meeting with the Client Department. During the first 24-hours the Client Management Team monitors the Client Department exclusively, and monitors the Client Department for 2 weeks afterwards. After the go live the Client Management Team conducts lessons learned meetings internally with 311 staff and externally with the Client Department. If Feedback is identified during the lessons learned meetings the Create Feedback Request and Triage use case is started. Finally, if the Client Department is new, or adding a new service, the Client Management Team meets with the Client Department to transition the Client Department to an operational mode. The ClientProject is completed.