Austin’s Business Retention and Expansion program promotes business growth, capital investment, and job creation by connecting local business owners with the resources they need to succeed. The Business Retention and Expansion team also informs local business development initiatives by gathering information and analyzing trends on the overall local business climate.  

Business Retention and Expansion Team

Schedule a no-cost one-on-one consultation for assistance in navigating business incentives, workforce and talent, business connections, City permitting, and zero waste. 

For questions about General & International businesses, Circular Economy and Zero Waste businesses, and Food and Farm businesses, contact the Economic Development Department at 512-974-7819 or Email



Business Connections  

Facilitate introductions to key business and governmental leaders and organizations that can help local companies succeed. Collaborate with industry experts and business support organizations, to offer relevant and innovative seminars, classes, and roundtables to City of Austin businesses. Learn more about Circular Meet-Ups.


Business Incentives   

The City of Austin Economic Development Department offers a range of business incentives designed to attract, retain, and support businesses that contribute to the city's economic growth and community well-being.


Circularity and Food Systems 

We have team members dedicated to each of these areas with specialized knowledge and network connections. If you are a restaurant, farm, recycler, thrift store, repair shop, sharing service provider, or other food or circular economy business, be sure to reach out. Learn more about the other services from our Circular Economy Program.       


City of Austin Permitting Navigation  

Help guide companies find the right City of Austin connection to assist them through the process of obtaining permits and meeting any applicable regulations.  


Expansion Support  

Our Business Expansion program and other state-wide incentives were created to assist with building expansions, infrastructure, and workforce training. The Business Retention and Expansion team can help determine if your project is eligible for incentives. 


Workforce and Talent 

Connect companies with local, regional, and state-wide programs for the workforce and talent needed to create, expand, or maintain a successful business. The Business Retention and Expansion team can help coordinate recruitment efforts and skills training for your new and incumbent employees. These services are provided in collaboration with Workforce Solutions, the local workforce board, training partners, and more.