How to Get Started

The Austin Fitness Index (AFI) will allow you to assess the health of your constituents as a whole in regards to physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, healthy weight and tobacco use. Results will be given in aggregate to the survey administrator and confidentially to the individual only. After reviewing results, organizations can then implement programs or initiatives to improve the health of its constituents.

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Decide who will be the administrator in charge of sending out the survey link to the AFI and keeping track of the results.
  2. Have the administrator register for the AFI online. Once registered, instructions on how to launch the survey will be sent to the administrator.
  3. Send the survey link to constituents and wait for results. You may also send these paper copies if those desiring to take the survey do not have access to a computer:
  4. When the survey closes, the administrator can download the results into a report for review.
  5. The administrator will review the results and secure support for implementing the health programming or initiatives that will meet the needs of constituents.

Key Points to Remember

  • The survey is administered via a remote, secure server.
  • Confidentiality and security are built into the survey process. A single link to the survey will be provided for everyone to respond anonymously. No identifying information is collected during the survey.
  • Results for your organization will be available only to the survey administrator, shown in aggregate and compared to both the national average and the Healthy People 2010 goals. Individuals will receive their own results, but will not be able to see others.