City of Austin
We have decided to delay the ceremony and removal the Barton Springs tree “Flo” while the Department reviews additional considerations.
Austin Parks and Recreation has decided to delay the ceremony and removal of the iconic Barton Springs leaning pecan tree affectionately known as “Flo” while the Department reviews additional considerations.
After the lab officially confirmed the presence of Kretzschmaria deusta on August 15, 2023, the Department reached out to independent Certified Arborists for additional inspections and sought their expert opinions to inform management decisions. All four Arborists unanimously advised the removal of "Flo" because of safety considerations and the absence of viable treatment alternatives.
The Department recognizes the importance of this historic tree and has taken great measures to preserve it for many decades. Please share your stories, memories, and photos of “Flo” at treestories@austintexas.gov.
For more information about “Flo” including background information, historic photos, and reports, visit austintexas.gov/BSPtree.