Project Detour Notice
Updated Traffic Closures for New Wishbone Bridge at Longhorn Dam
Starting December 17th, 2024, the traffic detour on South Pleasant Valley Drive will move to the east side of the road with one lane traffic in each direction and the west side lanes will be closed for work on the new multi-use tunnel and trail. Pedestrians and bikes will be detoured to the east side sidewalk. No changes will be made to the Canterbury detour and one-way traffic.

Traffic Closures for New Wishbone Bridge at Longhorn Dam
Traffic closures began Monday, August 5 as a part of the construction of the Longhorn Dam Multimodal Improvements Project. Lane closures and sidewalk detours will change during the project to accommodate workspace and construction areas as needed. Please follow the posted signs.
For more information email or visit the Capital Delivery Services project webpage at Longhorn Dam Multimodal Improvements | Open Data | City of Austin Texas
Project Construction Photos
Project Description
In 2018 the City of Austin Public Works and Transportation Department began work on a Preliminary Engineering Report to evaluate the possibility of a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge over Lady Bird Lake. More information on the preliminary report and community engagement that determined the final direction for the bridge can be found at Longhorn Dam Multimodal Improvements
Construction will require the partial closure of sidewalks on Pleasant Valley. See the detour plan below.

Project History and Anticipated Schedule
- November 13, 2018, Public Meeting 1
- June 10, 2019, Public Meeting 2
- December 10, 2019 Open House and Survey
- July 2020, Preliminary Engineering Report (Completed)
- April 2021, Interim sidewalk improvements (Completed)
- Summer 2021 to Fall 2023, Design and Permitting (Completed)
- Winter 2024, Bidding (Completed)
- July 2024 Construction Initiation
- Spring, Summer 2026 Construction completion
Please note that schedules are projected as accurately as possible, but all dates are subject to change due to the nature of construction and weather.
Contract Information
For project questions, please contact:
Laurie Thering, Project Manager, Capital Delivery Services by email, or 512-974-7035
Robert Allen, Public Information Specialist, Capital Delivery Services by email, or 512-978-1698 or
D'Anne Williams, Project Manager, Parks Department Liaison by email, or 512-974-9456