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Interested individuals must register online: https://trailconservancy.givepulse.com/event/409396-Shoreline-Stewardship-Seeding-and-Planting-at-City-Hall-Strip 

Seeding and Planting:

The Trail Conservancy continues to enhance the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail by planting a diversity of native plant species following the invasive work by contractors. A combination of sedges, grasses, and forbs provides a diverse ground cover and suppresses weed pressure while insulating the bank from erosion in regions between the Trail and the Lake.

Event Details: 

About The Trail Conservancy: 
Trail users will help steward the land surrounding the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at Lady Bird Lake. By stewarding the land, volunteers will help improve and protect the natural areas around Lady Bird Lake, an essential refuge for wildlife within the City, and connect riparian corridors and numerous protected areas up and downstream. The natural areas serve both resident wildlife and countless migratory birds and butterflies.

The Trail Conservancy's mission is to protect, enhance, and connect the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at Lady Bird Lake for the benefit of all.


enhance the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail by planting a diversity of native plant species

mejorando Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail al plantar una diversidad de especies de plantas nativas

Shoal Beach
Austin, TX 78701
United States