Experience vivid photographs of insects and animals that live amongst the wildflowers taken by local Austin "photonaturalists" in "Wildlife Amidst the Wildflowers" currently on display in the Fine Art Gallery in the historic Old Bakery & Emporium.
Val Bugh, founder of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Fauna Project, will talk about this 15 year effort to catalogue the non-human inhabitants of the Wildflower Center. In addition, several photographers participating in the exhibit will talk about their work and how they have become photonaturalists.
More information about the Exhibit and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Fauna Project:
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, located here in Austin, TX, is the official botanical garden of Texas and a popular visitor attraction year round. The Center’s wildflowers are the main attraction, but gardens are not just collections of plants; they are ecosystems. While the flora of the Wildflower Center has been well studied and documented, the animals that live there had not previously enjoyed the same attention. At least not until March 2010 when Valerie Bugh launched the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Fauna Project to collect information on the non-human visitors (and residents) in the Gardens.